James Has a Talk With Finn

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"Dad looks big, but he's really not that intimidating. And Mom's, well, Mom, but she likes you, so it'll probably be fine." Piper was wiping sweaty palms on her jeans as she let out a long breath and reiterated, "It'll be fine."

"Pipes, I've already met your parents," Finn reminded her as he drove the familiar route from the studio to her house.

They were on their way to have dinner with her parents for the first time as a couple, but Piper seemed to be ten times more nervous than Finn was. He had already met her parents in the past, and Piper had said herself that they liked him. As far as Finn was concerned, there was nothing to be worried about.

"I know," Piper muttered, letting out a nervous laugh. She fidgeted with the ring she always wore as she confessed, "I've never had a boyfriend over for dinner with my parents. I'm just a little nervous."

Finn reached across the console to hold her hand, brushing the back of hers with his thumb as he assured her, "It's just your parents. I like them. They're funny!"

"That's not how I would describe them, but I'm glad you think so."

"You're worrying too much about this," he pointed out gently.

"I know, I know," Piper sighed. She fell quiet for a moment then added, "If my siblings were going to be there, I guess I'd have a real reason to be nervous."

"Why? What's wrong with your siblings?"

"I don't trust them to not embarrass me."

"Embarrassed? Why would you get embarrassed?"

She gave him a sarcastic smile in response, and he grinned cheekily at her.

When they reached her house, Finn parked behind a white car that was vaguely familiar and asked, "Whose car is that?"

"Jules'," Piper answered, her brows knitting together. "What is she doing here?"

They climbed out of the car and walked up to the front porch. As Piper unlocked the door and they stepped inside, smells of tomato sauce and garlic bread wafted down the hall from the kitchen. Piper's older sister poked her head around the corner and grinned at the two of them.

"Hello," Julia called cheerily, stretching out the 'o' for several beats.

Piper hurried down the hallway, leaving Finn to follow at a leisurely pace. He gazed around at the family photos hanging on the wall as he went.

"What are you doing here?" Piper was asking her sister when Finn finally entered the kitchen.

"Mom said you were having family dinner with your boyfriend, and you didn't think to invite me? Seriously?" her sister responded. Piper was glaring at her, but Julia simply reached around her, holding out a hand as she addressed Finn. "We haven't officially introduced ourselves. I'm Julia."

Finn shook her hand as he introduced himself, and she simply smirked. "Oh, trust me, I've heard all about you." Piper was shaking her head at her sister in horror, and Julia shot a look at her, quirking an eyebrow. Through gritted teeth, she murmured to Piper, "You can't have family dinner without inviting us," though Finn heard her anyway.

Piper froze, her eyebrows rising. "Us?"

"Yo." James sauntered into the kitchen, twirling his car keys around in his hand, a big grin on his face. "Don't worry, everyone. I'm here. The party can officially begin now."

"Bold of you to assume your absence was noticed at all," Julia quipped without missing a beat.

"Wow, you're hilarious. Why hasn't your comedian career taken off yet?" James retorted, tone dripping in sarcasm.

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