Regionals - Finn's Perspective

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The next morning, the team was up bright and early to eat breakfast at the hotel before they had to leave for the convention center. After loading his plate with eggs, bacon, and toast, Finn found a table with Henry, Kingston, and Ozzy. He kept an eye out for Piper as he ate, but she had yet to make an appearance. As Henry recounted the finals from last year's Regionals to Kingston and Ozzy, Finn focused in on his friends' conversation.

"What even happened to the Geminis?" Kingston asked, "Nobody's said anything about them since the Qualifier video."

"I heard they lost a dancer," Finn said, recalling something he had heard months ago before even coming to The Next Step.

"It's easy enough to replace them though," Ozzy pointed out.

"They're still competing, just in the Intermediate Division," Henry told them, "They would've been our competition if Noah hadn't turned 18."

"We could've taken them," Kingston said confidently before taking a big bite of his potatoes.

"Hells yeah," Henry agreed. He pushed his empty plate away from him and sat back in his seat, crossing his arms. "There's no way I would've lost to them the second year in a row."

"What happens at Nationals though?" Finn asked curiously, "Are there two age divisions there too?"

Henry shrugged. "I wouldn't know. I've never been to Nationals."

"There's gotta be two age divisions," Ozzy reasoned, "Either that, or two teams from each region, but what would be the point of having two age divisions at Regionals if they don't at Nationals?"

Ozzy had a point, and the other boys voiced their agreement. As their discussion of the competition died off, Summer slid into the empty seat next to Henry, smiling at them all as she sat down. "Good morning," she said though her usual cheerfulness was subdued in the early morning hour.

The boys greeted her as Henry smiled softly at her. "How did everyone sleep last night?" Summer asked as she picked up her spoon and twirled it around her bowl of cereal.

"Fine," Kingston told her.

"Great," Ozzy said.

"We totally didn't stay up until 2 playing Legions of Lasers," Finn lied.

Summer raised her eyebrows, shooting Henry an amused look as he simply nodded to emphasize Finn's lie. "Good to know." She took a bite of her cereal then told them, "Well, I slept great. Emily thinks this hotel is too cheap, but those beds are so comfortable."

"They are pretty comfortable," Finn agreed. His mattress last night had felt like sleeping on a ridiculously soft marshmallow. It had been amazing – even better than his mattress at home.

"I wouldn't know," Kingston grumbled into his potatoes, "Since I had to sleep on the couch."

"I told you to fight Noah for the bed. You barely even tried," Ozzy said, shaking his head at him in disappointment.

"Oh yeah, like I was just gonna tell our dance captain to sleep on the couch instead."

"He wouldn't have cared," Henry interjected, "Dude can fall asleep literally anywhere. He's weird like that."

"Does anyone else think he's got eyes in the back of his head?" Ozzy asked.

The others murmured their agreement as Summer said contemplatively, "He does always seem to know what's going on behind him."

"Exactly! It's creepy!"

"How late did you guys stay up, Summer?" Finn asked her after finishing off his second piece of bacon.

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