Finn Breaks Up With Amy

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Finn had spent the whole weekend thinking about Piper. He tried texting her on Sunday, wanting to clear the air with her before Monday's rehearsal, but she had never responded, and he was certain she was avoiding him. He felt horrible for not saying more to her after she had admitted her feelings to him, but at the time, he'd been confused and frustrated.

After having two days to think everything through, however, he knew exactly what he had to do now.

Finn arrived at the studio early on Monday, not because the Dancemania cameras were coming to the studio (something the bros had been enthusing about all weekend in their group chat), but because he had to talk to Piper first and foremost. There was no way either of them would be able to focus in rehearsal if they didn't address Piper's feelings beforehand. And once rehearsal was finished, Finn had to have a conversation with Amy that he really didn't want to have, but he had no other choice given the new circumstances.

Much to Finn's surprise, Piper seemed to have a similar train of thought. Only a minute after he arrived in the locker room, she appeared in the doorway, clutching her dance bag so tightly her knuckles had turned white. When Finn's eyes met hers, he honestly expected her to turn and run the other way. Instead, Piper took a deep breath before entering the room with determined steps.

"We have to talk," she told him, dropping her bag on the bench closest to her locker then taking a few steps towards him. Her eyes appeared shiny as she gazed up at him seriously. "I shouldn't have told you all of that the other day."


"No, don't. Just let me say what I have to say first. Please." Her voice was so urgent that Finn relented, noting the way her hands fidgeted nervously as she spoke. "I shouldn't have said anything about having feelings for you. I had so many chances to say yes to you, and it was my own fault that I didn't, and you're with Amy now, and I have to respect that."

She paused to take a breath, but her eyes were watering, and her voice cracked as she continued, "But you're my best friend, and I don't want any of this to change anything between us because you're really important to me, and—"

Her breathing was increasing, and tears had started rolling down her cheeks. Finn was afraid she might start hyperventilating and immediately reached out, taking her hands in his as he assured her, "Piper, it's okay. I promise you it's okay."

She stopped rambling as he spoke and forced herself to meet his gaze, taking a deep, shaky breath to steady herself. "Okay," she whispered.

It hurt Finn's heart to see her so upset over something that wasn't even her fault. He was the one who had cornered her in the locker room and questioned her about her feelings and then left her behind. If either of them had anything to be sorry for, it was him.

"You're really important to me too," he assured her softly. "I shouldn't have walked away the other night. I just needed time to think things through."

Piper glanced down at their hands and reluctantly pulled hers out of his grasp. Finn let her, a twinge of disappointment surging through him as she did that was all the more confirmation to him that he had to end things with Amy before this situation and these feelings – whatever they were – escalated even more.

"Can we just pretend like it never happened?" Piper asked quietly.

Finn sighed and started to shake his head. "Pipes—"

"Please, Finn. I can't go through this again. Can you just forget everything I said?"

Finn had no idea what she meant in that she couldn't go through this again, but he did know that there was no way he could forget everything she had said to him. But he agreed anyway, if only because the pleading look in her eyes was almost as painful as seeing her cry and feel so distressed by the fact that she had told him how she felt.

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