Piper's Unexpected Visitor

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The end of the Absolute Wild Stylz Dance Convention left Piper with a strange mix of emotions. She was happy for Amy and AcroNation on their qualification for Regionals, but there had been a bundle of nerves in the pit of her stomach that wouldn't go away since the encounter with Miss Angela at the info table. Finn had told her not to let Miss Angela get into her head, and she knew he'd meant well, but that was so much easier said than done.

Despite it all, as the convention attendees began to disperse for the day, Piper hurried over to Amy to give her a hug. "You were amazing!" she exclaimed as Amy happily hugged her back.

"Thanks!" Amy let out a big exhale once they had pulled away, shaking her hands out and bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet. "I was so nervous that my decision to switch studios was going to be for nothing."

Piper's smile faltered as she nodded and said weakly, "Yeah, I bet."

"I'm so excited to compete at Regionals!"

One of the AcroNation girls calling for Amy interrupted their conversation, and Amy nodded at her before looking back to Piper. "I've got to go. We're going to dinner to celebrate. I'll see you later?"

Piper nodded, giving a half-hearted wave as she watched Amy skip away to join her new teammates. Perhaps a small part of her had been hoping that AcroNation wouldn't qualify for Regionals, and Amy would have no choice but to come back to The Next Step, but clearly that wasn't going to happen now.

Amy was really gone for good.

Feeling lonelier than ever in a room full of people, Piper glanced around Studio A. Miss Angela was off to the side of the room, watching AcroNation filing out of the studio. She caught Piper's eye and smirked, and Piper immediately looked away, biting down on the inside of her cheek harshly, her nails digging into her palms as her hands clenched into fists.

Glancing around for Finn, she spotted him talking with Henry and Summer by the office and quickly made her way over to him. Henry was enthusing about the Dytto workshop he'd attended that afternoon as Piper approached them.

"Bro, she took selfies with me! Look!"

Henry whipped his phone out to show an awestruck Finn his selfies with the tutting sensation while Summer caught Piper's eye and rolled her eyes. Piper forced a tense smile and tried to look impressed when Henry shoved his phone in her face, but her heart wasn't quite in it. She was starting to feel sick to her stomach, but she wasn't quite sure why.

"So you're basically best friends with her now, right?" Summer asked Henry with a teasing note in her voice.

He grinned and exclaimed, "I impressed her! She was impressed by me!"

"That's sick, bro," Finn enthused, putting an excited hand on his shoulder.

"Henry!" Jacquie interrupted their conversation, a determined look in her eye. "I need your help setting up the party."

Not only had today been the Wild Stylz Convention and the Dytto workshop, but it was also Noah's birthday. Jacquie had been planning a surprise party for him for the last two weeks, but with everything going on today, Piper had completely forgotten about it.

"Get Richelle to help you," Henry grumbled as his ex crossed her arms, staring him down.

"Richelle is on cake duty. I need your help with set-up."

"What is there to set up? It's just Shakes and Ladders. Put up some balloons and call it good."

"Great idea. You can blow up the balloons. Let's go."

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