INTERLUDE: James is Overprotective

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Between 6x09 and 6x10

"Em told me you guys are having a prom. That's exciting!" Riley enthused to Piper.

They were sitting at the kitchen island of Aunt Kathy's new home as the kitchen and living room buzzed with activity all around them. It was a Friday evening, and some of James and Piper's family had gathered for family dinner, giving Riley the perfect chance to catch up with James' younger sister.

Piper simply shrugged and mumbled, "I guess so."

Riley frowned at her response. Piper couldn't appear less excited about prom if she tried. Usually, Piper loved going to big events like that. This seemed so unlike her.

"Wow, don't get so excited on me now," Riley said sarcastically before giving her a more serious look. "Is everything okay?"

"I just think prom is stupid," Piper answered, "We should be getting ready for Regionals, but all anyone wanted to talk about today was prom. We didn't even have a real rehearsal."

A sense of understanding crossed Riley's mind at Piper's words. James had mentioned that she was having a hard season, and Riley could certainly understand how the team's lack of drive to rehearse might irritate Piper. However, she also knew how important it was to take some time to rest every once in a while, especially during competition season.

Gently, Riley told Piper, "Sometimes it's good to take a break. You can't worry about Regionals constantly. You'll wear yourself out."

"I guess," Piper muttered. She was fidgeting with her ring, sliding it off and on her finger repeatedly.

Riley recognized the nervous habit that Piper had probably picked up from spending too much time around her and tried to think of a way to lighten up the conversation. Perhaps too enthusiastically, she said, "Prom's supposed to be really fun, you know? I mean, I didn't go to mine because of Nationals, but I've heard good things."

"Jules said hers was lamer than her middle school dance," Piper responded flatly.

"Jules overexaggerates."

At the mention of her name, Julia looked over her shoulder from where she was cutting tomatoes at the counter with James and said, "Don't flatter me, Riles."

Riley rolled her eyes at her good-naturedly before looking back to Piper. "Maybe you just need to find the right person to go with. Who you're with can make all the difference."

Piper looked at her skeptically and shook her head. "No, there's no one I would want to go with."

"Really? Not one guy at the studio? Even as just a friend?"

Piper sighed and stared contemplatively at a bowl of fruit that Aunt Kathy had set out earlier. She had pulled her ring off of her finger and was now rolling it around in her palm as she finally said, "Well, there is this guy who keeps asking me out."

"What?" Riley said loudly, and Piper quickly shushed her, glancing over to where James had moved on to chopping up green onions for dinner. In a quieter yet perhaps too enthusiastic voice, Riley asked, "Who is he? Do you like him?"

"It's Finn. He's one of the new dancers," Piper explained. "He's... I don't know. He's a nice guy, but he keeps asking me out, and I'm not interested in him like that."

"Oh, well you don't have to go with him if that's the case," Riley was quick to assure her.

"I just don't want to even think about boys right now. I've got enough on my plate as it is," Piper continued as if she felt like she had to justify herself.

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