INTERLUDE: Amy and Henry Help Finn

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Amy had been in a funk all day. She had found out that morning that her family's annual camping trip was scheduled for the same week as Dancemania, and maybe it shouldn't have been a big deal, but it was to her. That camping trip was the one time a year where her parents put aside their differences for the sake of Amy and her sister to act like a normal family. Amy cherished that camping trip, and she hated that she was going to miss it this year, but there was no way to reschedule it with her parents' insane work schedules.

Thankfully, Henry had been there to cheer her up and take her mind off of it. After rehearsal with Miss Angela, they had spent a half an hour gossiping about Kingston and Lily's relationship drama with Ozzy and Richelle before finally heading to The Next Steep to grab a drink.

The café was in the middle of its afternoon rush hour, and they had to wait in line for several minutes before finally getting the chance to order. Amy ordered first, followed by Henry, who told Steve the barista, "They're both on me."

Amy raised her eyebrows, a warm feeling surging through her as she said, "You don't have to do that."

"You've been having a hard day. It's the least I can do," Henry told her as he pulled his wallet out of his pocket.

"You know, I could get used to boys paying for me all the time."

"Who else is paying for you?" Henry asked with a laugh as he handed his money to the barista.

"Finn paid for my drink when he broke up with me."

"Oh, that was nice of him."

Amy simply giggled in response. She glanced around at the crowded café then said more seriously, "I'll go find us some seats."

"Good idea."

Leaving Henry at the counter to wait for their drinks, Amy maneuvered through the café, her eyes scanning for an empty table, but there didn't seem to be any. Finn was sitting alone on the couch near the door, and she glanced back to Henry before making her way over to her now ex-boyfriend. Henry probably wouldn't mind sitting with their friend, and besides that, Amy needed to talk to Finn.

As if the news of her camping trip wasn't hard enough to handle, Amy was also afraid that something was going on with Piper. Her best friend had spent the first half of A-Troupe's rehearsal stumbling through the new choreography as if she'd never danced before in her life, and it had all culminated when she ran out of Studio A looking like she'd seen a ghost. Finn hadn't wasted any time going after her, and the two of them never returned to rehearsal. The need to know what was going on was killing Amy inside.

Finn sat hunched over, his elbows resting on his knees and his fingers bridging together. He appeared to be deep in thought but looked up as Amy took the spot next to him. "Hey you," she muttered in greeting. He gave a small half-smile in response, and she immediately got to the point. "How's Piper?"

Finn let out a deep breath, leaning back against the couch and running a hand through his hair, grasping at the curls momentarily before telling her grimly, "She had an anxiety attack."

"What?" Amy asked in alarm. She and Finn had discussed Piper's anxiety in the past, but Amy hadn't realized it had gotten that bad.

"Miss Angela being here totally freaked her out." Finn shook his head, huffing as he said angrily, "Why the hell would Emily bring her back to the studio when she knows what she put Piper through last year?"

Amy leaned forward, frowning as she rested her elbows on her knees and her chin on her fists. "Lily said Nick made the offer to make her a coach."

"Then Emily should overrule it. I'd rather win Dancemania on our own than waste any more of my life dancing for Miss Angela."

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