Piper's Intervention

806 30 84

Between 7x11 and 7x12

Piper had thought that nothing would ever hurt as much as Josh's rejection, but she was wrong. Watching Finn walk away from her after admitting her feelings to him hurt a thousand times more.

This was why she had never wanted to admit to herself or anyone else that she liked Finn. She had taken a huge risk by being honest, and now she was going to lose Finn forever. He was destined to fall in love with Amy. One day, they would get married, and Piper would have to watch the two most important people in her life vow to love each other forever while she hopelessly sat on the sidelines, her heart breaking into tiny pieces the same way it had been doing since the moment she realized with an uncomfortable feeling in her gut that she didn't want Finn to be with anyone but her.

Would she even be their friend at that point? Or were her two most important friendships fated to deteriorate now, never to recover after she bared her heart to Finn while he dated her best friend?

Oh god. What if she didn't even get invited to the wedding?

This was it. This was what would break her for good. Not Josh's rejection. Not Miss Angela's cruel words. Just Finn and Amy dating. If they had each other, they didn't need her, especially now that she was the other woman.

Dammit. Why did she have to be the Alfie of this situation?

At least she hadn't kissed Finn. That was the only thing she had going for her at this point.

Piper spent most of the weekend curled up in bed, binging Friends, and when she wasn't doing that, she was directing all of her nervous energy into reorganizing her bedroom (three times). By Sunday evening, she was in a dreadful state. Tomorrow, she would have to face Finn and Amy and pretend like everything was fine for the Dancemania cameras when everything was not fine.

She had thought putting up walls after what happened with Josh would protect her from getting her heart broken. And maybe it would have if Finn hadn't been breaking down those walls every time he listened to her worries or told her a corny joke or smiled in her general direction. Piper had never thought her heart could be broken by Finn, and yet, here it was, breaking anyway.

And what was worse- she had spent the entire weekend wrapped in Finn's red hoodie that was too small for him but much too big for her, clinging to the smell of him and trying to hold onto it for when she inevitably lost him as a friend. Her hair had been tossed into a messy bun the moment she got home on Friday evening, and she hadn't bothered with it since. She hadn't showered all weekend, and at this point, she couldn't even remember if she'd brushed her teeth that morning, but what did it matter?

If Piper couldn't be with Finn, she didn't want to be with anyone else. She was destined to end up alone forever. What did she care what anyone thought of her anymore? Who was there to impress?

"You're a sight for sore eyes."

At the sound of her brother's voice, Piper forced her gaze away from her episode of Friends to find James and Julia standing in her doorway. She glared at them before looking back to her laptop and mumbling, "What do you want?"

"Mom called us. She says you're spiraling again," Julia answered candidly, taking in Piper's rearranged bedroom. "I like what you've done with the place."

Piper was sure her sister was making a jab at the fact that her bedroom looked completely different since the last time she had been home, but Piper couldn't help it. When she was filled with restless energy, her hands itched to be occupied with something, and her bedroom was often the victim to such anxiety episodes.

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