Finn and Piper Have a Movie Night

871 34 60

Between 6x21 and 6x22

"That's sick, dude."

Ozzy had choreographed a routine for B-Troupe based off of level 100 of Legions of Lasers earlier that week, and as Finn watched a recording of B-Troupe's performance, he was thoroughly impressed by the level of detail Ozzy had incorporated into the dance. Anyone familiar with the game would instantly recognize the storyline, but even people who weren't familiar with the game could still find the dance entertaining to watch. Finn had no idea Ozzy had it in him.

"Thanks," Ozzy said proudly as the video ended and he put his phone away. "I've got big plans with Winnie this weekend."

"Winnie?" Finn asked in surprise. He knew Winnie from B-Troupe from her brief time on A-Troupe back in his first weeks at the studio, but he knew next to nothing about her. Ozzy had never talked about her before.

"She beat the game on Master level, dude. She's, like, the coolest girl ever."

"So is it a date?"

Ozzy gave him a dumbfounded look and scoffed. "Obviously not. My heart will always belong to Richelle."

"Richelle, who has a boyfriend," Finn reminded him.

"A boyfriend who's the worst human being to ever walk the planet- after Heathcliff of course," Ozzy retorted with a roll of the eyes. "They can't stay together forever." He paused then added hesitantly, "Can they?"

Finn shrugged to that, and Ozzy sighed, sending a longing glance to where Richelle was currently chatting with Jacquie and Noah. Honestly, it would probably be good for Finn's young friend to spend time with another girl. At some point, Ozzy was going to have to accept that Richelle was just not interested.

With a longing sigh, Ozzy bid farewell to Finn, leaving him momentarily alone by the cubbies of Studio A until Piper wandered over and plopped down onto the bench. Her gaze was fixated on the floor, her lips pursed as if deep in thought.

"Got any big plans for our day off, Pipes?" Finn asked her as she pulled her shoes on.

She let out a huff and stood as quickly as she had sat down to grab her water bottle and phone from her cubby. "I don't know," she grumbled, pushing past him. Finn raised his eyebrows at her tense mood and quickly followed after her, not wanting to get left behind.

"Well, I'm so sleeping in until noon tomorrow," he enthused as he easily caught up to her and fell into stride next to her.

"I don't see why we're not having rehearsal tomorrow," Piper snapped in response.

Finn frowned as he looked down at her. "What do you mean?"

"Regionals is next week, and we're competing in the Senior Advanced Division. We don't have time for a day off."

"Pipes, chill. We'll be fine."

Nobody on the team appeared to be more nervous for Regionals than Piper, who shook her head at Finn's calm assurance and adamantly replied, "You don't know that."

Rather reasonably, Finn pointed out, "We've got long rehearsals all next week. And Michelle and Emily both said that all the dances are looking really strong. It won't kill us all to have one day to chill."

She was quiet at that, and Finn was starting to think he must have gotten through to her until she muttered, "A day off rehearsal is one less day to make sure my aerial is perfect."

Piper's aerial had been her downfall all season long, but ever since she had successfully done one in her audition for the contemporary dance, she had finally seemed to be getting the hang of it. Finn had watched her aerial several times in rehearsals since then and was fully confident that she would nail it at Regionals. Piper just needed to have the same confidence in herself that everyone else had in her.

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