Piper and Finn's One Month Anniversary

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Between 7x18 and 7x19

"What are your plans for tonight?" Piper's mother asked curiously as she turned into Finn's neighborhood. They had been out shopping all afternoon for the Dancemania trip, and her mom was now dropping Piper off at Finn's house for the evening.

"We're just going to watch movies. Probably eat dinner with his family," Piper answered, watching out the window as the increasingly familiar houses of her boyfriend's neighborhood passed them by.

Tonight was their one month anniversary, and Finn had wanted to go all out for date night. They had been so busy at the studio with rehearsals, however, that Piper had requested a night in at his house instead. Nothing sounded better than cuddling with her boyfriend and watching movies in his basement all evening.

"You spend so much time at his house. You two can spend time at ours too, you know," her mother pointed out as she pulled the car to a stop in front of Finn's house.

"I know," Piper replied with a sigh. Personally, she preferred spending time at Finn's house because they could escape into his basement for alone time and his parents trusted them enough to give them privacy. They didn't have that luxury at Piper's house. Still, she knew her mother had a point. They needed to spend time around her family too.

"We could do dinner with Finn at our house. Maybe one day next week?" she suggested, her hand resting on the door handle as she turned back to her mother, who nodded, her eyes lighting up.

"I'll start looking through my cookbook tonight!"

Smiling at her mother's excitement, Piper climbed out of the car before anything about a curfew could come up. She made her way up to the front porch, and just as she lifted her hand to ring the doorbell, the front door was pulled open by none other than Finn. A soft smile spread across Piper's lips as she looked up at him. "Hi."

"Hey," he said quickly, a look of regret in his eyes. "I might have made a mistake."

Piper's smile faded as she asked warily, "What did you do?"

"I bribed my sisters into building a pillow fort for our date, but now they don't want to leave the pillow fort."

His lips formed a tight line, but Piper simply laughed. As far as mistakes he could have made went, this was by far the least worrisome. "That's okay. We'll just have a couple of guests."

"But it's our anniversary," he started to protest.

"Finn, it's fine. It's not that big a deal."

He bit the inside of his lip agitatedly as she stepped inside. "So, a pillow fort, eh?" she asked, raising her eyebrows in intrigue as he shut the door behind her.

"Yeah, like a drive-in movie, but at home," Finn explained, scratching the back of his head unsurely.

That sounded like something straight off of Pinterest, but Piper thought it was a cute idea nonetheless. She stood on her tiptoes to kiss him then pulled away to tell him, "That sounds amazing," her forehead resting against his.

Finn's hands had found her waist, and he smiled softly before reconnecting their lips once more, Piper's arms wrapping around his neck as she leaned into him. The kiss lingered for several moments, and Finn's hand had just moved up to tangle in her hair when someone cleared their throat behind them. Piper immediately pulled away and glanced over her shoulder sheepishly to see Finn's stepdad walking down the stairs. Mark gave a wave of the hand and said, "Hi Piper," as he crossed the living room to the kitchen.

She awkwardly returned the greeting and hoped she wasn't blushing as she looked back to Finn. He removed his hand from her waist, holding her hand instead as he pulled her into the kitchen to say hello to his mother. Afterwards, they moved downstairs to where a decently sized pillow fort took up the middle of the basement.

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