Dancemania - Finn's Perspective (Part Two)

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Not being chosen to compete for the Resurrection Round had really thrown Finn for a loop. He supposed he should have been relieved since it took the pressure off of him, but not competing in the Resurrection Round meant that he had missed his flight and jeopardized both the team and his relationship with Piper for essentially nothing.

His girlfriend still wouldn't talk to him going into the third day of Dancemania, but he had to push his concerns about that aside in order to help Ozzy. Frankly, he was thankful for the distraction, and it was nice to spend time around Ozzy, who seemed to be the only member of A-Troupe who understood how Finn was currently feeling and vice versa.

If nothing good came out of Dancemania, at least Finn's friendship with Ozzy had grown a little stronger on this trip. That had to count for something.

Unfortunately, after an entire afternoon of helping Ozzy choreograph his solo for the Resurrection Round, Ozzy couldn't have been less confident in himself or his ability to beat Curtis from Hard Ice. As Ozzy trudged off to hair and make-up to get ready for the performance, Finn rubbed his hands together, letting out a deep breath. Ozzy was better at musical theater than he thought he was, but that didn't matter if he was convinced he had no chance of winning.

The team had to do something to boost his confidence, and they had to act fast.

"How's he doing?" Kingston asked, his voice dripping in concern as Finn joined A-Troupe in the green room.

"We don't stand a chance if we don't show him we believe in him," Finn answered bluntly, and Kingston grimaced, looking away guiltily. No one had exactly been jumping for joy last night when Ozzy was picked to represent the team in the Resurrection Round, least of all Ozzy's best friend.

The rest of the team was gathering around Finn and Kingston, looking concerned. "So what do we do?" Lily asked.

"We have to get #OzzyResurrected trending on social media," Finn told them, a plan beginning to come together in his mind.

"A hashtag? That's your plan?" Kenzie asked skeptically.

"No, he's right," Heath interjected before Finn could defend his idea. "#Ozzy'sGoingDown was trending on social media last night. If we could get the opposite trending, that could totally boost his confidence."

"Exactly," Finn said, shooting a grateful look to his friend.

"Okay, but how are we supposed to get a hashtag trending in the next hour?" Piper asked, shaking her head. Finn recognized the look in her eye. She didn't think this could work.

"I'm on it," Lily said, already typing away on her phone. "I have the most followers out of all of us after all."

"Where's Richelle when you need her?" Kenzie grumbled, sharing a disgruntled look with Summer.

"Do they have plain t-shirts in wardrobe?" Finn asked, interrupting the discussion of followers.

"Probably," Amy said, looking at him curiously. "Why?"

"I'll explain later," Finn said quickly before tapping Kingston on the shoulder and nodding his head towards wardrobe. Picking up on the nonverbal cue, Kingston immediately set off with Finn for wardrobe, Henry and Heath quickly following after them and leaving the girls to handle the social media hashtag.

"So what's your plan, bro?" Henry asked as they sprinted through the hallways of the Dancemania studio.

Finn quickly explained his idea of spelling out #OzzyResurrected on t-shirts, and the other boys agreed that it was a great idea. A lady in wardrobe sent them to a storage room where they found just enough large t-shirts for the whole team. When they returned the green room, t-shirts in hand, they explained the plan in full to the girls, and the team quickly set to work on preparing the shirts.

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