1. The Wizard's Request

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Striking green eyes look down below as a pack of orcs passed by, not noticing her up the tree. She carefully notched an arrow and pointed it at the nearest Orc. Swiftly, she successfully shot it but at the same time, caught the attention of the remaining orcs. Pulling out 2 daggers, she jumped down and stabbed one in its chest. Another one came at her left and she elbowed it in the face before stabbing it. One by one, she killed all the orcs, without a scratch on her. With the help of her incredible elf hearing, she heard someone walking behind her. No, it was not an Orc. As an act of defense, she notched another arrow and pointed at whoever it was.

"My apologies! But I do not mean any harm. I'm sure you have heard of me. I am Gandalf." It was Gandalf, the Grey. Grey beard, pointy hat. Everyone has heard of him. Always in search of adventures. He raised his other hand, the one he didn't have his staff with, as a sign that he didn't want to hurt anyone.

"Oh, it's you." I sighed as I lowered my bow.
"I thought you were an Orc. My mistake."

Gandalf smiled at me. "I saw you take out all those filthy things by yourself. Very skilled fighter, you are."

"Thank you. I did learn from the best." I grinned at him.
I was trained by elves at a very young age to fight. I was just a child when I picked up my first bow. And the second I held it, I could not put it down. I wanted to be the best fighter I could possibly be. I wanted to protect others from the threats of this world.

"So what brings you here today? Especially at this time." I asked him. In the wild, I was known as The Night Rider. I hunt and kill at night, hence the name. Never seen or heard by anyone when I attack. So I found it quite odd that Gandalf would come to see me at this time of day.

"I'm very glad you asked. Eleanor Rilos, I am requesting that you join me and others on a quest. A quest to reclaim a homeland."

I looked up at him, Gandalf being much taller than me. I glanced at the wizard and rolled my eyes.
"You're not talking about helping Thorin Oakenshield reclaim Erebor, are you? The same dwarves who refused to shelter me when I had no one? Who denied taking me in and giving me a home, just because I am of mixed blood?" I spoke angrily.
I am half dwarf, half elf. My father, a dwarf and my mother, the elf. My father, killed in battle. My mother, murdered by someone who I will not name. When I had no one, they did not want to take me in.

She is of Elven blood! They all said. Their hatred of elves never existed, until King Thranduil turned his back on the dwarves when Smaug first took over Erebor. Since then, no one showed sympathy for me. Even before I was born, they shook their heads at the romance between my mother and father. Fortunately, Lord Elrond of Rivendell heard about what was going on and took me in. Cared for me. Watched over me. Taught me everything I had to know. And for that, I am forever grateful.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and stared at Gandalf, waiting for his response.

"I feel that you will be a very great help to this quest, Eleanor. We will be needing all the help we can get. There will be a meeting at the home of Mr. Bilbo Baggins of The Shire. And I want you to be his protector. His bodyguard. I know of the conflict between you and the dwarves very well but I'm sure they will accept you now that you are a very skilled fighter. Respect is what you deserve and respect is what they'll give you. I'm asking that you don't hold on to the past. Join us, prove yourself to them and they will forgive what they have done."

My anger had calmed down a bit. Gandalf did have a good point. I shouldn't linger in the past so much. But the situation with the dwarves shouldn't be the main problem. There is a dragon in Erebor. And whether I would help them or not is the question.

"Well I think it's time for me to head on back now. The meeting shall be tomorrow evening. I will put a mark on his door to make it easier for you to find it. If you get lost, don't be afraid to ask around for directions. I'm asking that you at least think hard about joining us. Just remember that I am not forcing you. Farewell Eleanor!" And with that, Gandalf left on his horse.

Maybe this is a good idea. Gandalf had me thinking about the quest for quite some time after he left. It seems foolish of me to accept his offer. But at the same time, I don't see a real down side to this.
After a while, I whistled and here came my horse, Marco, galloping towards me. I tightened the strings on my cloak and put my hood on and made my way back home.

~Okay so this is like, my first official fanfic! Yay! I know this chapter is quite slow and boringgg, it's mostly a filler. Um I just want to apologize for anything I get wrong like lines and typos and all that :/ AND I don't own any of the characters, just the ones I created. All rights go to Tolkien!(: thank you so muchhh!~

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