Chapter 1: Topsy Turvy Day

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January 6,1482 Paris, France

Y/N's POV:
I woke up to the sunlight streaming through the windows as the bells of Notre Dame tolled softly throughout the town square. There was a soft knock on my bedroom door. "Y/N, are you awake?" my father asked. "Yes father, come in."  "How are you?" he asked as he entered the room. I smiled brightly. "Fantastic father! Do you remember what today is?" "Yes, I am aware," he muttered. I could tell by the tone in his voice that as usual he was not looking forward to the day's festivities. "You wish to come with me. Don't you?" he asked. I nodded enthusiastically. "Of course. After all, it is Topsy Turvy Day. I wouldn't miss it for the world!" He sighed softly. "Very well then," he muttered. My smile grew wide as I hugged him. "Oh. Thank you father!" I exclaimed. He smiled softly as he returned the hug, patting my back lightly. "Well, I'll get dressed and meet you downstairs then?" I asked. He nodded. "Yes." I walked to my closet and picked up my favorite dress, which had many bright colors. I was looking forward to today's festivities, but I was excited even more so to see the wonderful dancers...

Esmeralda's POV:
I smiled as I walked through the town square, Djali scampering along behind my bare feet. He head butted me playfully, causing me to laugh. I smiled as we reached the stage, where Clopin was still setting up the decorations. He sighed with relief when he saw me. "There you are! I thought you had gotten lost!" he exclaimed. I laughed as I slapped him playfully. "Oh, come on. I've lived in this city my whole life. I think I know my way around." He laughed, grinning. "Then you should've been here on time." I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Let's just finish setting up. The festivities should begin any minute." He smiled. "Right." I laughed slightly. After the remainder of the decorations were strung I dismissed myself to my tent while Clopin made sure that any last minute details were ready. I walked back into the square once I was finished changing, only to see Clopin standing on the stage with a frown on his face as he looked towards the stone paved road. "What's the matter Clopin?" I asked. "Frollo's here," he muttered. The anger in his voice was apparent. "But then again he comes every year," he countered. I sighed and hugged him. "I know he bothers you. I'm pretty sure he bothers everyone." He nodded. "That man is pure evil, Esmeralda!" he exclaimed, "He works with the devil himself!" I laughed slightly before taking my place behind the curtain. "I know, but come on. The show's about to start," I said. He grinned and ran off to his spot. I watched from behind the curtain as Frollo's carriage pulled into the square. His daughter exited behind him as they were escorted to their seats, their security guards surrounding them. I blushed slightly as I caught a quick glance at his daughter.
Dear god she's beautiful.

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