Chapter 2: The Way She Moves

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Y/N's POV:
I settled into my seat as the performance began. I looked over at my father, who smiled softly as he saw the look of pure excitement on my face. "The performance is about to begin. Aren't you excited, father?" I asked. "No." He answered coldly. I frowned. "Why not. The gypsies are beautiful dancers." I said. My father groaned. "The gypsies are spawns of the devil," he spat, "they twist their words as they twist their bodies in dance!" I watched as the announcer raised his voice to speak to the crowd. "Come one, come all! See the finest girl in France make an entrance to entrance! Dance, La Esmeralda! Dance!" My father growled a bit. "Look at that disgusting display!" I blushed.
"Oh, father. I think she's a wonderful dancer!" I exclaimed. He scoffed and looked away from her. I hid my face as she jumped toward us, not knowing what to expect. My father scowled once again, tapping his fingers on his seat. "Father? What's wrong? What's happening?" I asked. "She's mocking us, dear," he muttered. I giggled softly as she twirled her scarf around my father's neck before pulling his hat down over his face and bouncing away. My father ripped the scarf from his neck angrily. I watched as people began to whistle and throw coins in the girl's direction. "Oh, that was absolutely wonderful. Can we tip her father? Just a few coins?" I asked. He looked at me in shock. "Y/n, what has gotten into you?" he asked. I blushed. "Nothing father. I just thought her performance was amazing. She's a wonderful dancer!" I exclaimed. "Are you feeling alright?" he asked, "you look flushed!" I smiled innocently. "Whatever do you mean, father?" "Your face looks red." He said as he felt my forehead. "Do I have fever?" I asked. He shook his head. "No, you do not." He said, a bit relieved. "Then what's wrong?" I asked. I had no idea what was happening.  "I don't know," he said. I frowned. "Should we go home?" I asked. He nodded. "Yes, I think that would be best." I sighed as I followed him back to the carriage, dropping a few coins into a purple hat while he wasn't looking. I noticed the girl pick up the hat. I smiled and waved as we walked away. I think she returned the smile too. I blushed.

Frollo's POV:
I was beginning to worry for y/n's health. She wasn't spiking a fever, and yet she was red in the face and acted off. I wonder what could be wrong. I watched as she went up to her room. I was getting very worried. Perhaps I should call a doctor?

Y/N's POV:
I sat on my bed reading the Bible. I was so unsure about what was happening. Was I falling in love with the gypsy dancer?? There was a light knock on my door. "Y/N? Dinner will be ready shortly. I expect you down there." my father said. I smiled. "Okay, father. I'll be right down!" I exclaimed. He soon left me, alone with my thoughts of the beautiful gypsy dancer.

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