Chapter 11: Meeting Quasimodo

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Esmeralda's POV:
I took y/n's hand as I pushed open the door to the cathedral. I had second thoughts about this. I suddenly felt trapped in the stone walls. Y/n smiled, patting my back lightly. "Come on, you can do it," she whispered. I smiled lightly. Y/N knew her way around the cathedral more than I did, so I let her lead me up to the bell tower. But I had to admit, the stained glass windows were gorgeous. I smiled lightly as she knocked on the door. There was no answer. "Maybe we should just go inside? I heard he's a bit shy," I said. "But we don't want to scare him either," she whispered. I nodded. But then we saw the door open. Quasimodo peeked out. "Hello?" he asked shyly. "Hello there," y/n whispered. "Who are you?" he asked nervously. "I'm y/n, and this is Esmeralda," she said. I waved. "Please, we mean you no harm. We've just heard so many stories about you and we were excited to meet you," I said. "Y-You are?" he asked. Y/N nodded. "Of course! May we come in?" she asked. "Um, sure," he whispered. We stepped into the bell tower, admiring all of the bells and trinkets. Quasimodo was very shy. "So um, I suppose you know my father," y/n said, trying to strike up a conversation. "Y-You mean M-Master?" he asked. She nodded. "Yes. I'm Frollo's daughter." she said. Quasi nodded slowly. "He talks about you a lot." Y/N looked confused. "What kinds of things does he say about me?" she asked. "That you're his everything. His perfect little girl," he said. Y/n frowned. "He must've said all those things before I ran away. He doesn't love me anymore," she muttered. "Why?" he asked sadly. I sighed and pulled y/n into me. "Because of me," I whispered. He was trying to think of something to say. "Oh. You mean you two are, dating?" he asked. I nodded. "He thinks it's unholy for two women to be together." Quasimodo sighed. "Well I think that as long as two people are happy, then it shouldn't matter," he said. I nodded. "Well, thank you Quasimodo. That means a lot," y/n whispered. He smiled. We continued talking until Djali belted in distress, causing Quasimodo to rush to the balcony. "Frollo's coming! You must leave, quick! Go down the south tower steps," he urged. I grabbed y/n's hand and made a run for it. We ducked behind the cathedral and began running back to the Court of Miracles. "That was close," y/n said. I nodded. "Yeah, too close! Good thing Djali was with us," I confirmed. She smiled. "He gets extra treats tonight!" she exclaimed. I nodded in agreement. Djali belted happily. We both laughed before returning to the tent, hoping we could sleep peacefully tonight.

Frollo's POV:
I was seething with anger as I stormed into the bell tower. "Where are they?" I shouted. "W-Who M—Master?" Quasimodo asked, shaking. "Y/N and the gypsy witch! I know they were here!" I yelled. He shook his head. "N-No one has been h-here," he muttered. I was growing even more angry by the minute. "Do not lie to me boy! I saw them in here! Now where are they?" I repeated. "They're not here!" he said. "Tell me where they are, son. I promise I won't hurt them." I lied, trying to trick him into telling me where they were. "I don't know. Y/N ran away, she doesn't want to be found." I sighed. "I already know where she went, to the Court of Miracles. I just don't know how to get there. Won't you tell me? I just want to tell her I'm sorry," I said. "I don't know," he repeated. It was then that I found a map lying on the table. I smirked, already having a plan. "Please master, don't hurt them!" he pleaded. I smiled. "Don't worry boy. I promise no harm shall come to your friends," I lied. I set off to find the Court of Miracles. "Ah. After 20 years of searching, the Court of Miracles is mine at last!" I exclaimed as I entered the gypsy hideout. Esmeralda was fuming as she held y/n close. I smiled. "Hello y/n, dear. I didn't expect to find you here." "You're lying!" y/n shouted. I smiled. "Oh, my dear. You'll be with your lover soon enough, in the fires of Hell." Her eyes widened in horror and she began to scream. "There'll be a little bonfire in the square tomorrow and you're all invited to attend! Lock them up, all except my precious y/n. She'll be returning with me. She'll be safe until her celebration tomorrow," I said. I pulled her from the gypsy witch's grasp. "Let go of me!" she screamed. "Nonsense my dear, your suffering will all end in due time. Tomorrow, in fact." I said, pulling her along with me. "I'm only suffering because you've gone mad!" she snapped. I ignored her. When we reached the palace of justice, instead of her bedroom, I locked her in the dungeon. Where she would await her execution tomorrow.

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