Chapter 4: Don't Be Suspicious

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January 7, 1482 Paris, France

Esmeralda's POV:
I smiled as I walked through the town square, the sunlight fresh on my face. Djali was by my side as usual, scampering and jumping along the path. I laughed slightly as I watched him play. He stood up on his hind legs, wanting me to pet him. I giggled and rubbed his ears. "Good boy," I whispered. He belted happily, bringing a smile to my face. I watched as the doors to the cathedral opened. Djali stood in front of me protectively. I smiled. Frollo exited the cathedral, his daughter following closely behind. She looked at me. I blushed softly and offered her a small wave. She waved back lightly. Frollo's tall shadow loomed over her. I gulped a bit. I had to see her. But unfortunately, she looked away. I sighed. I saw Frollo say something to her before walking back into the cathedral. Now was my chance. I looked over at her. I took a deep breath and walked towards where she stood on the cathedral steps. She smiled lightly. "Hi, I'm Esmeralda." I whispered. She smiled softly. "Um.. hi. I'm y/n," she mumbled. I smiled. Oh my gosh she's adorable. "Y/n, huh? That's a lovely name," I whispered. She blushed. "Thanks. I saw your performance at the festival yesterday. You're a wonderful dancer," she whispered. I blushed. "You really think so?" I asked. She nodded. "Yeah. I dropped a few coins in your hat as I walked away." I smiled. "Well, thank you." Suddenly, Frollo's voice echoed through the town square. "You there! Gypsy girl! Get away from my precious daughter at once!" he yelled. I looked up at him before running away.

Y/N's POV:
I watched as she disappeared into the shadows. She kept running, offering me a quick glance over her shoulder. I felt my father's grip tighten around my shoulders. "Y/N!! What in Lord's name were you thinking?" he shouted. I gulped nervously. "We were only talking father!" I cried. "To a gypsy!" he raged. "Why does it even matter?" I asked. "You know the rules!" He shouted. I crossed my arms. "So I'm not even allowed to talk to them?" I asked. "No!" he yelled. I stormed off. I could tell he was angry, but I didn't care. "Come along. We're going home at once!" he said coldly. I didn't listen, I just kept walking. "Y/N! Get over here at once!" he shouted, running after me. I picked up my pace, but it didn't last long as he soon caught up to me I sighed in defeat. He grabbed my arm and started dragging me back with him. When we got home he shoved me into my bedroom, locking the door behind him.

Frollo's POV:
"She gets no dinner tonight," I told the servants. "But, sir! She'll go hungry!" the maid cried. "This is her punishment for disobeying me," I snapped. "And if you speak out again I'll have you dismissed!" "Yes sir." she squeaked. I stormed into my study. "Helena!" I called to one of my servants. She came rushing into my study. "Yes, sir?" she asked. "Take this key and go into y/n's room. Fetch me her journal." I said coldly. "Yes sir.." she whispered. I knew she'd put up a fight.

Y/N's POV:
I heard the sound of the key turning in the lock. Helena came in quietly. "Helena? What are you doing here? Has my father decided to lift my punishment?" I asked. She shook her head. "No, miss. He asked me to fetch something," she whispered. "What does he want?" She sighed. "Your journal, miss" she said quietly. "Helena, no! You can't give it to him please!" I begged. "I'm sorry miss." I sighed and handed the book over, knowing I didn't have a choice. I watched her leave with the book, helpless and in no position to stop her.

Frollo's POV:
I watched as Helena returned with the journal. "Here you go, sir" she said nervously. I snatched it from her hands. "You are dismissed," I said coldly. She nodded nervously and rushed out of the room. I started turning through its pages. My blood began to boil as I saw the one thing that made me angry beyond belief. I couldn't believe it. She was in love with the gypsy girl. And she'd lied to me all this time. I slammed the book shut and threw it across the room. I decided to go to bed before my anger went any further. I'd deal with her in the morning.

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