Chapter 14: The Final Battle

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Y/N's POV:
I tried my best to hide from my father, Esmeralda by my side. I knew if he found us, he would kill us both. I wasn't planning on him following us outside. I tried to hang onto the gargoyle that stuck out from the balcony, hoping that Quasimodo would stall him. "M-Master, I think they're over here!" I heard him say, assuming he led Frollo in the opposite direction. I sighed, silently thanking him. As soon as he was sure it was safe, Quasimodo climbed down to help us. "Thank you my friend," Esmeralda whispered. "Quickly," Quasi urged. "Before he comes back!" "Where are we supposed to go?" I asked. "Down," he said. "How are we supposed to do that?" Esmeralda asked nervously. "Leaving so soon?" Frollo asked, peering over the edge. "Go!" Quasi yelled. But it was too late. I watched in horror as my father swung his sword. It hit Quasi's arm. I gasped. Frollo continued to swing, barely missing us each time. We quickly moved across the gargoyles. "Hang on!" Quasi screamed. I was fearful. Is this how it ended for us? My father swung his sword once again, this time knocking Quasimodo to the top of the balcony while Esmeralda and I hung on for dear life. Esmeralda started to pull us both up. We reached the top of the gargoyle. I held Esmeralda in my arms as I stood up. Frollo glared at the two of us. "Father," I whispered. "This is your last chance, y/n," he said. "I asked you what you wanted from me." "I want my little girl back," he whispered. "Well, your little girl has grown up, and if you cannot love me for who I've become, then I cannot forgive you for what you have done," I said coldly. He sighed. "Y/N, how many times must I apologize?" "Until I feel that it is sincere," I said. "You have tried to kill your own daughter because she loved a woman. Look at yourself, you've truly lost your way," I said. I could tell he was angry. "You want to be with her? Fine. But you shall do it in hell!" he spat. "Did you ever really love me?" I asked. "Of course I did. Every time I look at you, I see your mother." "Is that all you saw? My mother?" I asked. He shook his head. "No. You always had your mother's kindness and my determination. You were the perfect combination of us both," he explained. I felt a bit better hearing that. "Good. Now, drop the witch and come back with me. She'll be fine," he said. "Never!" I spat. He threw his cape over my eyes, blinding me as he pulled me over the side of the building. "Y/N!" Esmeralda cried. She and Quasimodo rushed to the edge of the balcony, trying to pull me up. I watched in horror as my father raised his sword again. "And he shall smite the wicked and plunge them into the fiery pit!" he declared. I was fearful, not only for my life, but for everyone else's lives as well. The gargoyle beneath his feet began to crumble. I heard my father scream as he lost his balance. Esmeralda tried to pull me up, but I let go of her hand to try and help my father. "No! Y/N, don't!" she yelled. I watched in horror as my father fell to his death. Luckily I still had a slight grip on the balcony as he fell. Esmeralda held her hand out, but it was no use. My hand slipped, sending me off of the cathedral. "Y/n. No!!" she screamed.

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