Chapter 17: A Gypsy Wedding

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May 13, 1482 Paris, France

Y/N's POV:
I adjusted my dress as I looked in the mirror. The Court of Miracles was bustling with pre wedding excitement, as it had been since January. I fixed the veil atop my hair and smiled. Today was the day. I was marrying the most beautiful woman in the world. "Is the blushing bride decent?" Clopin asked. "Yes, Clopin. You can come in," I said, giggling. He entered the tent, his larger than life smile glistening in the soft candlelight. "How do I look?" I asked, a bit nervous about my appearance. He smiled. "Absolutely beautiful. Esmeralda is very lucky," he whispered. I smiled brightly. "Thank you." He nodded. "Clopin?" I asked, "I have a huge favor to ask you." "What is it?" he asked, smiling. "Would you escort me down the aisle? Since my father couldn't?" I asked nervously. "Of course!" he exclaimed, holding out his arm. I giggled as we linked arms. Clopin grinned brightly. "Today's the day. Are you ready?" he asked. I took a deep breath. "I'm ready." He smiled as we took our places behind the colorful curtains. I began to tear up a bit. I couldn't believe it. This was really happening. I felt a bit better as I felt Clopin place his hand on my shoulder gently. I sighed happily as the music drifted to a stop. I took a deep breath before looking at Clopin, who was smiling. This was it. I was getting married. I smiled softly and blinked away the tears as Clopin escorted me to the altar, where my beautiful bride was waiting for me. Esmeralda was smiling was smiling softly. "Who gives this woman to this woman?" the gypsy priest asked. I looked down a bit. My father wasn't there to give me away as a bride. But he wouldn't have given me his blessing to marry Esmeralda anyway. I didn't know what to say to him. Clopin stepped up. "On behalf of her father, I do." I smiled softly and mouthed a quick 'thank you'. The priest nodded as Esmeralda took my hands. I squeezed them lightly, smiling blissfully at her. "I love you," she whispered. "I love you too," I whispered, smiling softly. "Esmeralda, would you take y/n Frollo as your wife?" the priest asked. "I do," she said. I smiled shyly as the priest turned his attention to me. "I do," I said, cutting him off before he could fully finish. He laughed slightly before nodding. "You may kiss the bride," he said. I wasted no time, kissing Esmeralda passionately. We both pulled away blushing. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that," I muttered. She laughed and kissed my cheeks playfully. We walked away hand in hand as the crowd cheered. "It sucks that we can't make our relationship public," I muttered. She sighed. "I know." "Why can't they just accept us and the fact that we're in love?" I asked. "Because they can't understand it," she replied simply. "People tend to hate things they can't understand." I sighed. "It's because of my father, isn't it?" I asked. "Mostly your father, yes," she muttered. I sighed. "I'm sorry. I'm acting just like him, aren't I? God, I'm so stupid!" Esmeralda sighed. "You're not stupid, y/n," she said gently. "Everything inside me is telling me I have to be just like him, but I can't!" I shouted. She smiled softly. "Because you're not him. You're your own person y/n." "Yeah. You're not racist and snobby despite growing up around that lifestyle your entire life. You're not evil," Clopin added. "Clopin!" Esmeralda shouted. "What? You know it's true. The guy was awful!" he repeated, dissolving into laughter. "But you don't need to be so blunt about it," she whispered. "Think about y/n for a moment." "What? The poor girl was treated like a prisoner under his care. Am I right, y/n?" he asked. "Can we just not talk about him please?" I asked, feeling uncomfortable. But Clopin kept laughing. "Sure, whatever. But all I'm saying is that we all know what really happened," he teased. "Clopin," Esmeralda said again, urging him to stop. "I was just teasing," he muttered. "You're being insensitive," she corrected. "How? He didn't even love her!" I couldn't hold back the tears as I ran back into the tent.

Esmeralda's POV:
I watched y/n as she ran to the tent, tears in her eyes. I glared at Clopin. "I tried telling you. You were making her upset," I said angrily. I really didn't want y/n feeling like this, not on our wedding day. "I'm sorry! But it's been months, Esme. Why does it still bother her?" he asked. "Because it does, Clopin. We can't control how certain events or people affect her. All we can do is be there for her," I whispered. He sighed. "I guess you're right. She really loved him, didn't she?" I nodded. "She did." "She's lost her father, and it's all our fault, isn't it?" he asked. I hesitated to answer that question. "She probably hates us. If she'd have never met me, he'd probably still be alive. He died trying to win her back," I muttered. "But if she hated us, then she wouldn't have married you," Clopin pointed out. I smiled softly. "I suppose you're right. I should go try to cheer her up," I whispered. He nodded. I smiled softly as I walked towards our tent, determined to cheer up my wonderful wife.

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