Chapter 20: The Baby in the Basket

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May 17, 1482 Paris, France

Y/N's POV:
I smiled softly as Esmeralda and I walked hand in hand through the town square. It was such a beautiful day out. It was then that I heard the faint sound of a baby crying. "Esme, did you hear that?" I asked. She nodded. "I hear it," she whispered, looking around. I tried following the sound of the cry. "Y/N look!" she exclaimed. I looked in her direction to see a woven basket sitting on the steps of the cathedral. The baby cry was heard again. "I think it's coming from the basket," I whispered. I watched nervously as Esmeralda approached the basket. She returned with a light pink blanket in her arms. My eyes widened. It was a small baby. "She's shaking poor thing. She's so scared," Esmeralda whispered. "I wonder where her parents are," I said, stroking the infant's head lightly. We walked around town, asking everyone if they knew the child, but to no avail. I looked down at the child, still nestled in Esmeralda's arms. She was adorable. "What will we do with her?" I asked. "The archdeacon is too old and feeble. He couldn't possibly care for her." "We'll take care of her," she said. My face lit up. "Really? You mean it?" I asked. She nodded. Esmeralda held the infant in her arms as we walked back to the Court of Miracles. I couldn't believe this was happening. We were going to be mothers! When we returned home, Clopin was the first one to notice the blanket in Esmeralda's arms. "What's with the blanket?" he asked. She smiled as she unwrapped the blanket, exposing the baby's head. Clopin's face lit up. "Where did you find such an adorable little one?" he asked, smiling. "She was in a basket sitting on the cathedral steps," I explained. "An orphan?" he asked, his once happy mood deflating a bit. I nodded slowly. The baby looked up at us. Clopin smiled softly. "Well, we shall raise the infant with the gypsy culture. She'll grow up to be a wonderful dancer, just like her mother. Our mini La Esmeralda," he said. The baby cooed softly. I smiled and kissed her head. "I have the perfect name for our little angel," I said. "What is it?" Esmeralda asked. I smiled, and handed the baby to Clopin. "Amaya."

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