Chapter 13: Sanctuary!

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Y/N's POV:
This was it. Esmeralda and I were tied to a wooden stake, as my father stood there with a torch in his hand. "If you repent your sins now, you will not have to die," he said, looking at me. "Father," I whimpered, although I knew he wouldn't save me. "You have two choices, y/n." He said coldly. "Come back with me and forget the gypsy witch, or the fire." I squeezed my eyes shut as Esmeralda spoke up. "Never!" she shouted. "Then so be it!" he spat. "Father, please. You can't do this. I'm your daughter!" I pleaded. "You are no daughter of mine," he said coldly. "You never treated her with any respect. You were a horrible father! No wonder she ran away from you, the man who never truly loved her!" Esmeralda shouted. I watched in horror as my father tossed the torch into the kindling. I hugged Esmeralda tightly as the fire crept towards our bare toes. She hugged me back. I melted into her arms and squeezed my eyes shut, preparing for the flames that would soon engulf both of our bodies. But the flames never reached us. Instead, someone swept down and grabbed us before whisking us away to safety. Esmeralda had already passed out from all the smoke. "Quasimodo!" Frollo shouted. "Sanctuary!" Quasi yelled. "Guards, seize the cathedral," he said coldly. Quasimodo carried Esmeralda inside and turned to me. "You'll be safe here," he said. I smiled softly. "Thank you," I whispered. He nodded. "You're welcome." It was then that heard noises coming from the ground. "Stay here," he warned before rushing toward the balcony. I nodded and stayed by Esmeralda's side. After what seemed like forever, Quasimodo finally returned. "Esmeralda, Y/N! We've done it. We've beaten them back. Come and see," he called. I didn't move. I started crying. Esmeralda wasn't waking up. "Esmeralda, please," I whispered. Quasimodo got some water on a spoon and lifted it to Esmeralda's lips, but to no avail. "No, no!" I cried, growing desperate. I took her in my arms and began crying hysterically. Quasimodo knelt beside me and began crying as well. Neither of us noticed that Frollo had entered the room. That was until I felt a hand on my shoulder. "You killed her," I whispered. "It was my duty. Horrible as it was, I hope you can forgive me," he said. I couldn't stop crying. "Now everything will be the way it was. You'll see," he whispered. I stood up. "What do you want from me?" I asked. He wrapped me in a hug. "For you to come home. For things to be the way they used to be," he said. I sighed and melted into his arms, ready to give in. "Okay I'll go with you. Just promise to let everyone else go. They've done nothing wrong. It's me you want," I said. "Y-Y/N??" Esmeralda's soft voice rang out through the small room. My father gasped, releasing me from the hug. "She lives!" he shouted, drawing a sword from his robe. "No!" I cried, taking Esmeralda in my arms and running onto the balcony. I wasn't expecting him to follow us...

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