Chapter 3: Got a Secret

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Esmeralda's POV:

After the festival, I changed back into my regular clothes and began walking back to the Court of Miracles with Clopin. "Why did you do that?" he asked. The concern in his voice made it clear that he was referring to me teasing Frollo with my performance. I giggled slightly. "I don't know. I just thought it'd be funny," I said. He sighed. "But now you're on his bad side!" he exclaimed. I shrugged him off. "Yeah, as if we weren't already." He sighed. "I don't need you ending up in a noose Esmeralda!" I rolled my eyes. "He wouldn't." He nodded. "Yes, he would." I shrugged it off. "I'm not afraid of him." Clopin sighed. "You should be," he urged, "he's dangerous." I shook my head. "I'm serious!" he exclaimed. "Whatever. Can we just change the subject please?" I asked. He smiled. "You seemed pretty distracted during the performance," he said, "especially when you looked at Frollo's daughter." I blushed. "I have no idea what you're talking about." "Ah ha!" he shouted. "What?" I asked. "You like her!" he said. I blushed even harder. "What are you talking about, Clopin. You're being ridiculous." He smirked. "Oh really? The redness of your face says otherwise, Esme." I pushed him playfully. "Oh, shut up will you?" He only laughed in response, grinning. "But it doesn't matter anyway. Her father hates us. He'd never let her be seen with me." I said. "Are you crazy?" he asked, "Do you know how risky that could be?" I shrugged. "I don't care."  He sighed in defeat. "You're stubborn, you know that?" I laughed and shoved him playfully. He pushed me back, laughing a bit. "Clopin?" I muttered, "she's so beautiful." Clopin sighed softly. "Just be careful, okay?" I nodded. "I'll try, but I can't guarantee that I won't punch him if he gets in my way." He chuckled lightly.

Y/N's POV:
I was sitting at the dinner table with my father, who seemed even more distant than usual."Are you sure you're feeling alright?" he asked. I nodded. "Of course, father. Why would you think otherwise?" "You're acting strangely," he said. I began to worry. Is it possible he knows about my feelings for Esmeralda? My father straightened in his seat. "Are you hiding something from me?" he asked. I shook my head nervously. "Of course not, father. I could never do such a thing." "Good." he said, narrowing his eyes to look at me. I gulped. "May I be excused?" I asked. "Yes." he said coldly. I stood up from the table and rushed upstairs to my room.

Frollo's POV:
I tapped my fingers on the table lightly. Y/N is definitely hiding something. I'm sure of it. She was acting strangely at the festival this afternoon, especially when that gypsy dancer began her wicked performance. Could that be it? The gypsy girl? I scoffed to myself. No, it can't be. That's impossible! I had to find out the truth, but it was obvious she would never tell me. I'd have to find out for myself.

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