Chapter 8: Good Girl Gone Wild

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Frollo's POV:
I sat in my study, reading a book silently. The door to my study was suddenly pushed open. Y/n walked in, a nervous look on her face. I stood from my desk, rushing over to her. "Oh my stars, y/n! Are you alright? Where have you been? You had me worried sick!" I exclaimed. "I'm fine," she said slowly. "Is everything alright? Why are you so nervous?" I asked. "I'm fine," she repeated. My eyes narrowed. She was hiding something. "I'm sorry for running away," she muttered. I sighed. "Will you at least tell me where you went?" I asked. "No," she said. "Why not? Don't I have the right to know? I am your father after all," I protested. She stayed silent. My eyes narrowed. I knew exactly where she'd been. "You stayed the night with that gypsy girl, didn't you?" I asked. She froze. "Answer me!" I demanded. I already knew the answer, yet I wanted to hear her confess her sin. "Yes," she said firmly. "I did." My blood began to boil. "What would mother say about this?" She asked. "She always had a soft spot for the gypsies!" I clenched my fists around the Bible that I had been holding. I was seething with anger. "Y/N! Homosexuality is a sin! You know this! You'll be banished to hell to pay for your crimes against God," I shouted. "And I highly doubt your mother would approve of this!" "At least she would still love me despite my sins," she snapped. "Jesus died for our sins so that we may all go to heaven!" I scoffed. "And yet you seek to defy me and refuse to repent your sin. That gypsy witch has you under her wicked spell!" I shouted. "She is not a witch!" she yelled. I grabbed her by the collar of her dress and forced her upstairs before shoving her inside her bedroom. "You shall never see that gypsy witch again. I forbid it!" I shouted. "You will remember this as the day you lost my love for you!" I spat. I slammed the door shut and locked it.

Y/N's POV:
I sunk down onto the floor and began sobbing uncontrollably. I didn't understand why he couldn't just accept me for who I am. I didn't care that i was in love with a gypsy, much less a gypsy woman. She was perfect. I wanted desperately to run away with her. Why didn't I just stay with her? It was then that I heard the faint sound of something hitting my window. I sniffled and went to the window. Esmeralda stood below, throwing pebbles up at my window and singing softly. I smiled. I quickly opened up my window. "Esmeralda!" I exclaimed. "Hi beautiful," she whispered. I climbed down the side of the building, wanting to get as far away with Esmeralda as possible. "Promise not to run back to daddy this time?" she teased. I hugged her back tightly. "I promise." "So what happened? We could hear him screaming all the way from the Court of Miracles!" she joked. I began to tear up again. "Oh, no. I'm sorry. Don't cry. It's okay. You're safe now," she whispered. I hugged her close. She returned the hug tightly. "Now, let's get you home where you belong, my gypsy Queen." I blushed bright red, causing Esmeralda to laugh. "You're adorable, you know that?" she asked. I blushed once again. She chuckled. "Come on, let's get back before we're seen," she whispered. I nodded enthusiastically, taking her hand as we ran through the square. She held me close, smiling. We finally reached the Court, both breathless from running. I'd been under the watchful eye of my father for so long that I'd forgotten what it was like to be free. She kissed my cheek sweetly. "I love you, and someday I'll make you my wife," she said firmly. I smiled brightly. "I'll protect you from your father. He will harm you no longer," she whispered. I hugged her tightly. "Thank you." We entered the Court of Miracles hand in hand, ready to take on the world.

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