Chapter 15: Lovely Angel

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Esmeralda's POV:
I couldn't do anything as I watched y/n fall. I grabbed Quasimodo's hand and began running to the lower level of the cathedral as quickly as possible. "It'll be okay Esmeralda," Quasi whispered as he wiped the tears from my eyes. "We have to find a way to catch her!" I exclaimed. We ran into the main hall, where Clopin was on his knees, y/n safely in his his arms. I rushed over and hugged them both tightly. "Clopin, you truly are a hero," I whispered. "Esmeralda, you know I don't need praise. I'm just doing my best as king to protect my people," he said, grinning. I laughed and shoved him playfully. He laughed and stood up, allowing y/n to run into my arms. I hugged her tightly, crying tears of joy. "Oh, y/n! I'm so glad you're safe!" I exclaimed. She kissed my cheek, smiling. I hugged her lightly before looking back at Clopin and Quasimodo, who were both smiling. Y/N was smiling as well. Quasi joined our hands before stepping away lightly. We looked at Clopin, who nodded in approval. I smiled brightly and kissed y/n. She kissed back eagerly. I held her close. "Alright you two lovebirds, don't you think we should go greet the townspeople?" he teased. I nodded. I watched y/n walk out of the cathedral while I hung back to talk to Clopin. "What is it?" he asked. "I need you to take me to the jewelry shop," I whispered. He raised a brow before smiling. "You're planning to propose to her, aren't you?" he asked. I nodded, blushing. "Yes." He smiled and hugged me tightly. "Oh, Esmeralda. I'm so proud of you!" he exclaimed. I hugged him back, smiling. "Come on. We'd better get to the shop before it closes," he said. I nodded and ran off. When we reached the shop, the clerk already had a selection of beautiful rings on display. I questioned how I'd ever be able to afford it. "Um, excuse me, sir. I need the finest diamond ring you have," I proclaimed. "Are you sure you can afford that, gypsy?" he asked. I opened my mouth to speak, but Clopin stopped me as he took out a bag of silver coins. The clerk raised a brow. "Where'd you get all this?" I asked. "From my performances," he said. I gasped. "You're seriously giving me all this?" I asked. He nodded. I hugged him tightly. "Oh thank you, Clopin! Thank you!" I exclaimed. "You're welcome," he said, patting my back lightly. I smiled enthusiastically as I slid the bag of coins in the clerk's direction. The clerk counted the coins before putting the ring in a velvet box. "There you are gypsy," he said. I smiled. "Thank you. Have a good day." He nodded. "You too dear," he said. "Oh. And good luck!" "Thank you," I whispered before leaving. When we returned to the Court of Miracles, I took y/n's hand and led her to the front of the Court, where all the gypsies had gathered to hear my announcement. Y/n was smiling, yet looked confused. "What's going on?" she asked. I took her hand gently and got down on one knee. "Y/N, from the moment I met you, I knew you we were special. You changed my life, and unlike your father you never judged me. You saw me for what I was worth on the inside. And when we were tied to that pyre, and hanging off the side of the cathedral, I knew there was no one else I'd rather be with. And I know the citizens of Paris will never accept us, but that doesn't matter to me. Y/N Frollo, will you make me the happiest woman in all of Paris, and marry me?" I asked. She nodded enthusiastically, almost in tears. "Yes! Yes!" she exclaimed happily. I smiled as I slipped the diamond ring onto her finger, kissing her passionately as the rest of the gypsies erupted into cheers all around us. She pulled me closer, returning the kiss. We pulled away, blushing. "Let's get married as soon as possible. Here." I said. Y/n sighed and looked down at the ground. "Can we maybe wait?" she asked, "A lot has gone on in the past few days," she whispered. I nodded, hugging her tightly. "Of course. Take all the time you need." She smiled and return the hug. "Thank you," she whispered. She kissed my cheek sweetly. "It's been a really long day. I just want to relax," she said. I nodded. "You know what? That actually sounds kinda nice," I whispered. She smiled. "So what would you say to a romantic night under the stars, just the two of us?" I offered. She  nodded, smiling. "That sounds perfect," she whispered. I smiled softly, taking her hand. "Follow me," I said, leading her through the Court. She squeezed my hand lightly. I led her out the back and to the bridge that overlooked the river Seine. She smiled softly. "I love the way the moonlight makes the water sparkle," she whispered. I nodded, smiling. "It makes the world look so much more peaceful," I said. She blushed lightly. "I love you," she whispered. "I love you too y/n." I wrapped my arms around her as we skipped stones across the river. I never imagined everything would be so perfect, she's literally an angel. Sent down from the heavens.

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