Chapter 19: Closure

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Esmeralda's POV:
I held y/n close as we approached the cathedral. It looked like her illness was getting worse. "Come on, y/n," I urged. "This will help you remember." She groaned in pain. I sighed. "We're almost there angel," Clopin whispered, hugging her softly. I smiled. I looked at the cathedral, picking up my pace a bit. Clopin knocked on the door softly. It soon opened. "Hello? Is anyone there?" the archdeacon's soft voice rang out. "We need some help, sir," I said. "It's y/n." He nodded, opening the door a bit wider. "Come in, my child." I smiled. "Thank you," I muttered, helping y/n inside. The archdeacon soon noticed her weakening posture and sighed. "Come with me, we'll go to the pulpit. She can sit in the pews while we talk," he said. I nodded and helped get y/n situated. He smiled softly. "So what brings you here, my child?" he asked. "Y/N's illness is causing her to lose her memories. She can't remember us, and she wants her father," I explained. He nodded slowly. "I see, and I suppose she is aware of his death?" I shook my head. "She is, but as I said she can't remember because of her illness. The doctor told us to embrace her memories of her father. That's why we came here," I said. "Because we don't have any positive memories of her father," Clopin added. I cringed in disgust as those words left his mouth. "Will you please stop saying that?" I whispered. "But it's the truth!" he shouted. The archdeacon chuckled lightly. "I'm guessing you two are what minister Frollo called 'gypsies'?" he asked. I nodded. "Well, I'll try to fill her memories with the few positive memories I have of him," he said. I smiled softly. "Thank you." Clopin and I listened intently as the archdeacon wove brilliant tales of y/n's childhood and her father's love for her. I smiled softly. I know I didn't like Frollo much, but I suppose he did love y/n, to a point. "He loved you very much, my child. Never forget that." he whispered, kissing her knuckles softly. "I see his determination when I look into your eyes." I watched as y/n smiled faintly. "To help ease your pain, there was something they retrieved from your father. It was in his will that following his death, they would be yours," he said, handing y/n a purple velvet cloth. I looked at the cloth as she slowly unwrapped it. I almost fainted when I saw the three jewels I thought I'd never see again. Clopin also looked surprised. "Oh my goodness," she whispered. I stood in a silent shock. Y/N turned to me, a huge smile on her face. "Oh, Esmeralda! Aren't they just lovely?" she asked. "Y/N, you said my name! You're remembering!" I said, smiling brightly. Clopin rushed towards her, placing a hand to her forehead. "Cool as a cucumber. It's a miracle!" he exclaimed. I kissed her cheek and hugged her close. "You had us so worried!" I said. The archdeacon smiled brightly. "Praise the Lord, thankful for this angel's healing!" he exclaimed. I was so relieved she was alright. We left the cathedral, smiles abundant as we returned home to the Court of Miracles.

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