Chapter 10: The Legend of the Bellringer

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Y/N's POV:
There was yelling coming from the center of the Court. Clopin was calling all of the gypsies to the gallows. Esmeralda took my hand, leading me away from the crowd. "Come with me," she whispered. "You don't want to see this." I was so confused. "But what's going on? Where are we going?" I asked. "Away from here. There's an intruder," she whispered. I nodded nervously. "Where will we go?" I asked. She smiled softly. "My tent, for now at least," she whispered. We ducked inside her tent, keeping our voices low to avoid being detected. Esmeralda held me protectively against her chest. "Who is that man? What's going to happen to him?" I asked nervously. "A spy, most likely working for your father," she whispered. "And well, he'll be hung, since he now knows our location. Can't risk him returning to your father with this information." I gasped. Esmeralda sighed softly. "I told you my father would stop at nothing to find me. I'm not safe here," I muttered. "You are safe here, y/n. I promise. No one has ever found the Court of Miracles, well none who lived to tell the tale." she said. I sighed. "I have." Esmeralda smiled softly, taking my hand. "Well yes, but you're different. You're a gypsy now," she whispered. I blushed softly. "You really mean that?" I asked. She nodded, kissing my cheek. "I mean it." Ladies and gentlemen, the execution is now complete!" Clopin called out. Esmeralda smiled. "We're safe now," she said. I let out a sigh of relief. "Good," I said. She hugged me tightly. "Come. We're going out," she whispered. "Where?" I asked. "The cathedral. Clopin told me the story of the deformed bellringer who lives there. I want to go see him for myself, especially since no one ever has." I looked at her confused. "It's an old gypsy legend," she explained. "Could you tell it to me please?" I asked, now curious. She nodded. "I'll tell you on the way. Come on," she pushed. I nodded, following her out of our underground sanctuary and into the city. I looked around the city. I seemed different somehow now that I was with Esmeralda. "So the story of Quasimodo is a very heavy one. It's believed that he was the only son of a gypsy woman," she explained. "Was he though?" I asked. She nodded. "What happened?" I asked. She sighed. "The group he traveled with was captured by your father, actually. The woman refused to give up her child to Frollo, so he pursued her to the cathedral, ultimately killing her." My eyes widened in horror. "It gets worse. Once your father discovered Quasimodo's appearance, he attempted to drown the child in a well." I gasped. "He was only stopped by the archdeacon, who convinced him to raise the child as his own. But Frollo's wife had already given birth to another child. You." she said. "So Frollo raised Quasimodo in the bell tower, vowing that his precious daughter would never meet the monster that he had been forced to care for." "I doubt he's a monster. If anyone's a monster, it's my father." I said. Esmeralda smiled, pointing towards the cathedral. "Come on, let's go see if we can find him."

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