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𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 came and how did the young daughter of Oyakata-sama know? The feeling of how her body was getting warmer by the second was what informed her of the timing of the day

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𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 came and how did the young daughter of Oyakata-sama know? The feeling of how her body was getting warmer by the second was what informed her of the timing of the day. She slowly opened her lavender eyes and sat up, her long black hair that faded into a beautiful white at the end was slightly messy.

She turned to look as she heard running footsteps and watched as the door to her room was slid opened and in came a young Kiriya who had a wide smile on his face as he realized his older sister was awake.

"Good morning, [name]-nee-san," he spoke out and [name] slowly nodded her head as she gently patted him on the head. She then noticed how Amane, her mother, was standing at the door and [name] hurried to her feet.

Every morning, it was the same routine.

Amane would watch as [name] hurried through the Ubuyashiki estate as she wanted to get ready and have a proper breakfast before running out of the estate to find a particular Mist Hashira that she always looked forward to meeting.

Mornings had always been the best for [name]. Although she understood from time to time how people would often get cranky in the morning, and how they would love to remain in their futons till the end of the day, not doing anything.

But [name] loved mornings.

She loved mornings because from time to time she would wake up and be able to see the morning mist that would occur when it was too cold, and it reminded her of the Mist Hashira.

How she fell in love with mornings was a memory that was etched right in her mind. Something that she could have never forgotten.

It all started with Tokito Muichiro appearing at the Ubuyashiki Estate one day after the promise they had made. He was holding onto papers that were used up and were of no use now, and [name] noticed how he had emerged from the mist.

It was as if he was the one guiding the mist along and [name] felt that he was all too handsome. The way his mint-green eyes looked at her despite them being emotionless.

She adored his eyes, and she could only look forward to the days where she will spend time with him when he isn't busy with missions, which her father, Oyakata-sama, would often chuckle when he could sense how excited his daughter was in meeting someone else.

She used to dread mornings.

But ever since Tokito Muichiro entered her life, she loved mornings. She used to hate waking up early, she used to be the rebel of her siblings. Often not following the rules that Oyakata-sama and Amane had planned out.

But she started to change ever since then.

She was now seen running towards the front yard where she knew where Tokito Muichiro will be waiting for her. Oyakata-sama softly chuckled as he heard the running footsteps of his daughter once more.

Knowing well that Muichiro had returned from his mission and was there to pick [name] up. Those mornings he would count and chuckle softly at how happy his daughter was.

Those mornings were what made him feel special to be able to hear how his children will act like, and he softly counted to himself as it was a routine whenever Muichiro was not on any mission.

How [name] would pounce onto him the moment she laid her lavender eyes on him.

"Tokito-sama!" and Oyakata-sama chuckled softly as Amane entered, shaking her head a little at how [name] was acting around a Hashira. Oyakata-sama then gently patted Amane on the thigh as she looked at him gently.

"Most mornings are like this, isn't it?" she asked and Oyakata-sama nodded his head.

"But there are mornings that seem to be much more precious than these," Oyakata-sama whispered out and Amane softly chuckled, remembering how those times when it was raining heavily, Muichiro would be seen sitting in [name]'s room, waiting for her to wake up.

Which ends up with her squealing from time to time realizing her favourite person was in the room with her, and how he was protected from the rain as well.

But sometimes Amane could only wonder how does Tokito Muichiro remember [name]? He tends to forget about things easily due to his amnesia, but somehow he never seems to forget the promise he made to her.

Amane then watched as Muichiro slowly extended his hand out and [name]'s lavender eyes widened at the small flower he had picked from wherever he went. He gently raised his hand and placed it onto her ear, brushing her bangs that were covering her eyes slightly.

A gesture that Amane had often seen when it comes to Muichiro showing [name] some sort of emotions. She would often notice how Muichiro's mint-green eyes would sparkle for a moment, only for it to return to its original look.

It was mornings like these that Amane was able to tell whether Muichiro was healing.

It was mornings like these that were so precious to [name].

And Amane watched as [name] and Muichiro walked out of the Ubuyashiki Estate, hand in hand as they went about the usual routine they would do. And Amane could only let out a soft sigh as Oyakata-sama started to cough a little as she handed him some tea to drink.

"Have they went out?" Oyakata-sama asked once he had stopped coughing and Amane hummed in response.

"The same as each morning," Amane answered and Oyakata-sama softly chuckled.

"Tokito-sama, you didn't say good morning to me like always," [name] spoke out and watched as Muichiro stopped moving, their hands still held together as he turned to look at her with his pair of mint-green eyes.

"Good morning, [name]-sama," he spoke and watched as [name]'s pink-tinted lips curled up slightly.

"So what origami are you going to teach me today?" she asked as she watched him holding tightly onto the used papers so that it won't fly away.

"A heart," was all he said.

A/N: I know many might start to comment on why I have written so short. But I thought I would take a different approach in regards to this story as it is really difficult to be writing in a age like Muichiro.

But I feel that this way, it seems more adorable and lovable as we get to see how each word(the title of each chapter) means to the reader in regards to Muichiro.

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