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𝙸𝚗𝚓𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜, are hard to avoid when one is a demon slayer, let alone being a Hashira as well

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𝙸𝚗𝚓𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜, are hard to avoid when one is a demon slayer, let alone being a Hashira as well. It was often that the Mist Hashira would return home from his missions from time to time with injuries that would worry the daughter of Oyakata-sama.

But despite being heavily injured, [name] continued to shower affection towards the youngest Hashira. Often sobbing silently when she sat next to his bed and he would reach out to gently hold her hand.

Something that they would always do when one of them was sad, which was mainly [name] as Muichiro had a carefree personality and his mind often wandered away from the sadness.

It was weird as Muichiro had just returned from a mission together with Sanemi, and somehow [name] wasn't present. He wondered what had happened, remembering how she would often be excited and running towards him.

But today, it was different.

He noticed how quiet it was around the Demon Slayer Corps Headquarters and he walked along with Sanemi, heading towards the courtyard where they will rest for a while before departing to the Ubushiyaki Estate to give their report to Oyakata-sama.

He noticed how there were kakushis whispering to one another, and he walked past a group of lower-ranked demon slayers who were speaking loudly, which Sanemi and Muichiro could hear clearly.

"Although it was an accident, she is still the daughter of Oyakata-sama. We must be careful around her," one of them spoke out and Muichiro wondered if it was [name] that they were talking about. He reached out easily and grabbed hold of the lower-ranked demon slayer by the shoulder.

"Gah, who?!" he yelled out and turned, paling slightly when he noticed Sanemi was behind Muichiro, with a scowl on his face as his pale purple eyes looked towards him. The lower-ranked demon slayer then watched as Muichiro looked at him.

"Which daughter of Oyakata-sama are you talking about," it wasn't a question, it was more of a demand to know. The lower-ranked demon slayer quivered slightly as he tried to answer only to watch as Muichiro continued to stare at him blankly.


"[n-name]-sama," he whispered out and Muichiro lets go of the lower-ranked demon slayer and turned to walk away. He quickens his steps and Sanemi let out a sigh as he quickly followed the Mist Hashira, realizing that they would not be stopping to take a short break before heading over to the Ubushiyaki Estate.

He walked into the gardens despite Sanemi calling him out to stop, and there his mint-green eyes laid upon [name] who was seated on the patio. His eyes looked towards her ankle that was bandaged and how her arms were covered in small cuts that were dosed with medication.

Her lavender eyes lit up and she watched as Muichiro quickly made his way towards her. He got on a knee as he inspected her wrapped up ankle and soon towards her arms that were injured as well.

"How," was all he spoke and [name] tilts her head a little as she watched Sanemi pulling the Mist Hashira back harshly and got on a knee as well.

"Show some respect to her," he muttered out and Muichiro remained silent as he continued looking at [name], waiting for her to speak and explain to him what had happened. Only for them to notice how Amane had arrived at the scene as she gently placed a hand onto her daughter's head.

"Welcome back, Shinazugawa-sama, Tokito-sama," she called out and Muichiro along with Sanemi lowered their heads a little more as they were kneeling before the wife of their favourable leader, Oyakata-sama.

"[name] here was out with a few of the demon slayers but got into an accident when she started to climb a tree to get an apple," Amane explained and Muichiro looked and noticed how [name] was holding onto an apple.

"The demon slayer lost his footing as he carried [name], hence the injuries occurred," she explained and Sanemi let out a sigh.

"Shows how incompetent they are," he muttered out and he noticed how [name] was trying to get off from the patio, only to have Muichiro getting up from his position and walking closer towards her.

"You are injured," he flatly spoke out and [name] nodded her head slowly as she raised the apple that was in her hands towards him.

"For you," was all she said and Muichiro's mint-green eyes widened a little at the gesture that [name] had done. [name] watched as his tiny hand appeared from the long sleeves of his demon slayer uniform and picked the apple up.

Her lavender eyes watched as he parted his lips and took a bite out of the apple, and soon placed it near her lips which he watched as she did the same as well. A slight blush appearing on her face as her heart pounded hard against her chest.

He watched as her pink-tinted lips were a little damped due to the juice from the apple and it was creating a slight mess. Using his thumb, he wiped her lips with it and Sanemi could only let out a sigh at how Muichiro was acting.

How Tokito Muichiro's heart skipped a beat the moment he heard [name]'s giggle.

And from that day on, Tokito Muichiro felt the need to know whenever [name] was injured immediately. He felt he should be there for her when she was in pain, and watching how she felt at ease with him made him a little better.

A little more conscious about his surroundings and the people around him.

"This puppy love is giving me diabetes," Sanemi muttered to the Hashiras as they were now seen seated in the courtyard as Muichiro carried [name] on his back with much difficulty since her ankle was injured, and it was a promise he made to spend time with her.

"Then die," Obanai muttered out and Sanemi scowled in response as he hurled the orange at the Serpent Hashira, which the Flame Hashira just leans towards Obanai and opened his mouth, the orange landing right into his mouth and he chewed on it.


𝙸𝚗𝚓𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜, are hard to avoid. But it made Muichiro realize that even those who aren't demon slayers could get injured, and he remained vigilant when he was by her side.

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