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𝙼𝚒𝚜𝚝, it was something that always reminded [name] of Tokito Muichiro

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𝙼𝚒𝚜𝚝, it was something that always reminded [name] of Tokito Muichiro. From time to time whenever she woke up in the morning and she sees the slight mist that covered her surroundings, she could feel herself at ease.

She would sneak out past the patio that was in front of her room and stand in the gardens with her feet bare. Her arms spread out as she enjoyed the cooling atmosphere that was present in the garden from time to time.

It reminded her of Muichiro because he was cool. It reminded her of him because it had a gentle touch just like him.

And today, was no different.

[name] slowly shifted in her sleep as she laid in her futon. Shivering slightly from the cold breeze that had entered her room due to her leaving the sliding door opened that led to the patio. She wanted nothing more but ventilation, afraid that it might get too hot for her in the middle of the night.

She frowned slightly as she tried to get herself to continue sleeping only for her to let out a soft sigh, realising that it was too cold for her to sleep. She slowly sat up and looked out of the door, her lavender eyes were half-opened due to how tired she was.

But once her vision adjusted to the slightly dark scene before her, it widened slightly as her pink-tinted lips curled up into a wide smile as she flung the covers away and took off running off the patio, hopping off with ease.

Her arms spread out only to have herself tripping over her feet. Her lavender eyes widened as she soon shut them, braving herself of the fall. Only for her to hear running footsteps and the sound of something dropping onto the grass patch.

Tiny arms wrapped around her waist as she was soon pulled up and she looked into a pair of mint-green eyes. Her lavender eyes widened slightly at the bandage around his forehead and she gently raised her small hand and touched it.

"Good morning, [name]-sama," he called out and watched as [name] paid more attention to his forehead rather than his greeting. He had just returned home from a mission and had decided to pay a visit to [name] before he knocks out for a good whole day.

"Why are you injured?" she asked as she pulled him along and Amane was walking past her room only for her to realise how Muichiro was present. A gentle smile appeared on her mother's face as she watched her young daughter getting worried about Muichiro.

"Nee-san looks so happy..." Kiriya softly whispered out and Amane hummed in response as she gently patted him on the head as they continued to watch as [name] looked at Muichiro with a worried gaze on her face.

"I fell and hit my head," Muichiro spoke out and [name] tilts her head a little, only for him to easily pull her down by the hand and made her sit right next to him. The duo then sat in silence as they looked at the mist that was disappearing a little since the sun was starting to shine brighter.

"I love the mist," [name] spoke out after a few moments of silence and Muichiro's heart skipped a beat the moment [name] had said that. He watched her from the corner of his eyes as he noticed how her pink-tinted lips were curled up in a smile.

"It reminds me of you. Since your combat style is the Breath of Mist," [name] added on and Muichiro had a slight blush appearing on his cheeks as he turned to look at [name]. He watched as she had a gentle smile and she patted her lap.

"You can sleep, you worked very hard," she answered and Muichiro slowly lowered himself down as he rested his head against her lap. He then felt her tiny hand against his face as she gently caressed his cheek, trying to soothe him enough to let him fall into a peaceful slumber.

[name] then turned as she watched Kiriya walking towards her and she gently placed a finger against her lips. Kiriya then made himself comfortable as he laid his head onto [name]'s lap as well, his head barely touching Muichiro's and [name] softly smiled.

"Rest well," she whispered out as she caressed them both.

Her lavender eyes looked forward towards the garden before her. Her hands continued to move from time to time as she watched the mist flowing by. She softly giggled then as she fell a little more in love with the mist.

For it was calm, just like Muichiro. It was calming her senses down as her lavender eyes slowly shut as she started to doze off into a slumber as well, not realising that Amane and her sisters were coming up to them with blankets.

Covering Muichiro and Kiriya's body, along with a blanket draped over her shoulders. [name] could barely stay awake, but the comforting atmosphere created by the mist made her feel that she was safe.

It was as if it was Muichiro surrounding her and she soon dozed off entirely.

To her, the mist wasn't as bad as what others claim to be. Disrupting one's vision and sometimes it becomes so thick like fog, one couldn't travel through it. But [name] didn't bother with it as she enjoyed the presence of it.

To her, the mist was something splendid to look at. Something comforting to feel. It felt to her like the person she loves had always been with her even if he wasn't there physically.

And this little puppy love that [name] had for Muichiro, blossomed. And Amane knew from the very beginning that this little attachment that [name] had with Muichiro, was not something minor.

And she could only hope that her daughter will eventually realize what is going on and there will be nothing but happiness and bliss in her life.

This puppy love to Amane was true love.

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