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Rose pov:

Kira, Savannah, Corey, Cody, Josie, Taylor, and Christian and I all sat on the sofas' drinking some wine. Lilly, and Kayla are down for the night. My mother, and father went to hangout with Christian parents. Christian wasn't drinking wine though..he is drinking whiskey. My god he is still mad, because he is giving me the most evilest go to hell look ever.

"I am happy for you two." Josie says

"aw thank you, I can't believe its all over." Savannah says

"I know I don't know you two like everyone else does, but I know custody battles are messy." Taylor says

"True shit man." Corey says

"How would you know?" Christian asked looking at Taylor

"Because, I went through one when I was twelve it went on for almost a year." He says

Josie looks at me, and then back over at Christian. Cody clears his throat.

"Hey, lets do truth or dare." he says

"Arent we ya know too old." Savannah says

"Aw, come on you are never to old for truth or dare." Kira says finishing her wine pouring her another glass.

"Savannah truth or dare?" Cody asked

"mm I am going to start it safe and pick truth." She says

"Okay, Corey brags about his manhood is it that good?" Cody asked

The whole room laughs, and Savannah looks over at Corey and back at Cody.

"Oh yeah, he get major bragging rights." she says

The room fills with a bunch of ooooos, and laughter.

This game seemed to go on forever, and ever. Next thing I knew Taylor shirt was off giving Kira a lap dance. We were pretty tipsy...Christian was a party pooper he just sat there. Taylor was done with his lap dance with Kira and flopped down next to me.

"I don't know how people can do that." He says

"Well we ladies would give you money." Josie says cuddling close to Cody.

"Okay, Taylor your turn." Corey says playing with Savannah hair

Taylor sits there with a blank expression, and then smirks.

"Christian truth or dare." He says

"Done said I wasn't doing this." He says

"Boo!" everyone says

"Fine, truth." Christian says

Christian pov:

Taylor is getting on my nerves just by being here. Of course he didn't listen when I said I didn't won't to play. My god.

"Truth." I say

He grins, fuck off with that grin.

"Is it true, that you are jealous of me being Rose therapist?" He asked

I clinch my jaw, and everyone took a sip of their drinks. I laughed putting mine down, and leaning up putting my hands together.

"Jealous, of what you doing your job no man just remember do your job instead of doing mine." I say grabbing my drink sipping on it.

"You mean playing with balls?" Taylor asked laughing

"I make her feel good, and just remember you can't ever do that because she has me and will never pick you." I say

Everyone has blank stares, and Rose gives me a look.

"You know I could make her feel twice as good as you do, just she too stuck up your ass." Taylor says

"How about she changes who she speaks to and we have you fired." I say grinning

"You think she won't be my friend still, you're funny." he says

"How about you get the fuck out of my house." I say standing up

"Oh, big bad baseball player trying to be tough." Taylor says standing up

"Taylor dude, stop because I hate to help Christian kick your ass." Cody says

"Nah, I am not scared of you two." Taylor slurs

This man is drunk, I am not going to fight him. He looks at me, and Rose has gotten up.

"Christian, please don't." She says standing in front of me

I shake my head, letting her know I am not going to do a damn thing.

"You know what, I am going to leave but before I do." Taylor turns Rose around kissing her, she didnt push him away her hands up in the air.

I yank her away from him, grab him by the shirt.

"Listen here you little shit, you are lucky you are drunk or id kick your fucking ass." I say angrily

"Ah come on, its just a little kiss no harm done and plus its not like I fucked her." He says

"Taylor, you better shut the hell up." I say

"Christian let him go, please." Rose says

I let him go, looking at everyone.

My god this dude is really asking for it. I can't with his stupid ass she better not invite him over at all. I swear she can go with him if she does. I can't even this shit so annoying.

"ah Christian listening being a good little bitch." Taylor slurs "I bet she is in control, man for her to control me."

I snapped and punched him, and he falls onto the wooden coffee table, breaking it. My hand had fresh blood on it. I looked up, and everyone was looking at me. Great, now shit is about to go down.

"Everyone please, I am sorry someone please just get Taylor out of here please." Rose says

I didnt even know the parents had already game back.

"I will get Taylor home." Kira says

"Christian Stephen!" My mother yells

"Please everyone leave me alone." I say grabbing my drink gulping it down

Rose looks at me, and I sigh.

"I am going to clean this blood off." I say going upstairs.

Rose pov:

I have no idea what just fucking happened all I know is that, I want everyone to leave but I know Savannah and Corey are staying, and Josie and Cody just live three houses down. So they are fine to walk, I don't care what my parents have to say... this shit is just over.

"Hey, everyone have a good rest of your night I am going to check on Christian." I say going upstairs.

I opened our bedroom shutting it back, locking it. He was in the bathroom I could hear his muffles cry. I walk over to him. He looks up at me, and turns towards me.

"Did you like it?" he asked me

"What, did I like what baby?" I asked

"When he kissed you." He whispers

I shake my head, wrapping my arms around him. "Christian, you are the only person I want to ever kiss me like that."

He gives me a weak smile. "I love you, Rose."

"I love you, Christian and forever will." I say

"I am so sorry for hitting him in front of you." He says holding onto me

I shake my head, "It was so hot I only seen you hit Frazier."

He grins. "I knew you liked bd ass me."

"Oh baby I love all fifty shades of you." I grin

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