Chapter 1

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                                     EMBER'S POV

My name is Ember Willis, and today I turn eighteen. My parent's have been away on vacation for about a month and a half now, a much needed vacation that they take every year. Trusting to leave me on my own to look after the house like many other year's. My alarm goes off and I wake out of a deep sleep.

"Nooo!,not yet". "I'm not ready to wake up". "Just five more minutes please!".

Suddenly my cell phone goes off, I glance at it with one eye open.

"Ugh!, what the hell does she want this early in the god damn morning".

When I had glanced at my phone, I saw that it was none other than my best friend Avory Lynn May, I answer with great annoyance laced in my voice.

"HELLO!". "What do you want Avory?". "Do you have any idea what time it actually is?..6am, that's what time it is".

"Wake up bitch!, it's your BIRTHDAY!".

She say's the last part screaming in the phone totally ignoring my question about the time that it was as I hold the phone away from my ear, still hearing every word clearly.

"I will be there in ten minutes, and your ass better be out of that bed".

"Ok!. "I'm up, i'm up!!". "Sheesh!!".

"You better be!".

I hang up my phone and drag my ass to the shower. I turn it on and test the water then step in. I begin to wash my hair then my body. when I am satisfied that I am clean I step out of the shower and put on my fluffy robe and walk to my room. As I turn the corner into my room I jump at the sight of my best friend sitting on my bed waiting for me.

"Well it's about time slowpoke".

I glare at her and continue to may close rummaging through my clothes. I pick out a pair of pink panties and matching bra.

I then pick out a sexy short checkered mini skirt and short white top with long sleeves and matching heals.

My best friend look's me up and down and winks at me saying.

"looking good Em, if I do say so myself".

"Thank's babe, so do you".

She has on an off the shoulder white sweater, and black ripped jeans with matching black heals.

We hang out for a good part of the day, just lounging around saving our energy for tonight's festivities. We watch the movie that alway's get's us into party mode "50 Shades". All 3 of course!, a full 6 hour's. You can't watch just 1, that would be completely ridiculous.

We apply our finishing touches before we head out, excited for the night ahead. Even though it's late, we'll still have a blast.

"This is going to be a night you will never forget, for the rest of your life baby girl".

Little did Avory know how true her word's would soon become. Because this WOULD most certainly be the night her best friend, Ember would truely soon carry the haunting event's of the night in which are about to happen. Because after this night, her life WILL change forever.

Stepping out of my one bedroom loft apartment we head to Avory's purple Lamborghini, the sexiest MF car I've ever seen. It's sleek and so shiny you can see yourself in it, just an amazing piece of work that must have cost her a fortune.

"So who's all coming out with us tonight Av?".

"Well Katie will definitely be there".

Katie Louise Harris, our other best friend we've known since Kindergarten. The three Musketeers everyone call's us.

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