Chapter 20

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                         THE NEXT MORNING

                                        MATT'S POV

I'm laying in bed watching my angel sleep peacefully, the sun is just starting to peak through the blinds. Last night we had talked and laughed and danced our way into the wee hour's of the morning. Another amazing night, and I think I succeeded in helping make new memories for her birthday (Brownie points for Matt). We even had a few more rounds in the bedroom and shower. IF you know what I mean. (wink wink). I softly whisper her name.

"Emberrrrr, sweetheart!".

"Hmmm, I don't want to move".

I kiss her neck softly, and she lean's into me arching her back against me.



"Who called last night Matt?, you ignored the call".

"It was your night baby, I wanted no distractions".

"Ok!, but that's not what I asked you Matt".

She arches her eyebrow.

"And it's not last night anymore, so i'm sure you've looked at your phone since last night to check?".

I looked away from her, I just couldn't bring myself to meet her gaze. I didn't want to ruin this moment.

"Matthew Donavan Price!?". "Look at me, who was on, the phone?". "And you better not lie to me either!".

Oh shit!. The full name, she means business. I raised my head to meet her eye's, god she looks sexy when she get's feisty like this. I kind of half smile to my thought's and she furrowed her eyebrows even more. Now I know she means business.

I sit up in the bed facing her.

"It was Adam, OK!". "I didn't want to say anything to upset you, all I want to do is protect you baby". "I didn't want it to ruin last night".

"Oh, what did he have to say?".

"He wanted to apologize for everything that happened almost a year ago". "They wanted to just say that they were sorry for missing your birthday, and that Katie really misses you".

"Oh, are you going to call him back?".

"Not if you don't want me to".

"But do YOU want to?". "Your choice shouldn't be based on how I feel Matt".

Well!, there is one way it would matter".

"How is that?".

She looks at me puzzled, not understanding what I mean.

"What way would that be?". "And how would I factor into all of this?".

"Well! it would matter if, if".

I hesitate for just a minute clasping my hands together feeling the sweat on them. FUCK i'm nervous.

"It would make a difference, and it would matter if I asked you to officially be my girlfriend". "And if you said yes, then it would matter because then we would be two and not just one". "Our decisions would be made together then".

She stares at me blankly.

"Excuse me?, What?".

"I want you to be my girlfriend Ember, officially!". "We already live together, why not make it official?". "What do you say baby?".

She just continues staring at me expressionless. Shit! did I just fuck everything up, did I just push her to fast?.

"Em hunny, say something". "Your scaring me sweetheart".

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