Part 9: Planning for a jail break

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----Timeskip 2 months after bank heist---

Jaune POV:

I was currently at Lester's old factory waiting for him since he called me for some new kinda big heist he got planned and with a nice payout. I also wonder if I can buy the apartment at Del Perro heights. I thought before Lester came in with the plans.

"Good you are here," Lester said as he showed off a prison.

"A prison, wait, are we breaking into a prison?" I asked him

"Well, we are planning a prison break for Professor Maxim Rashkovsky," Lester said while pulling up pictures of a dust plane, prison bus, and schedule of some sort.

"Okay, what is the crew and, how are we going to do this," I said while looking over the blueprints

"You can come in now," He said

As he said that, three people came in first, was a middle-aged man with a scar over his right eye, black hair, monkey tail and, he was wearing a leather jacket with a white t-shirt, leather pants, and boots. The second person was a young person, maybe around 21-24ish, with blond hair and, he was wearing a black hoodie with black pants and shoes. The last person that came in was a girl with red hair and she was wearing pants with a t-shirt and jacket.

"Hello, my name is Jack nice to meet you," The first person said as we shook hands.

"Nice to meet you too," I said.

"Sup name, Zack and, it's good to meet a fellow blond," The second person said.

"Sup and, hell yeah, it is," I told him while high-fiving him.

"Hi, my name is Mia and, it's nice to meet you cutie," She said with a flirtatious wink.

"Nice to meet you guys and, my name is Jaune," I said with a smile.

"Good now, you have introduced yourselves it's, best if we go over our plans," Lester said to us

"Yea, so what is the plan?" Zack asked.

"Well, first we a dust plane for transport out of there which Zack and jack will go and capture it," He said as he pointed at a map of where the plane would be.

"Understood," Both said.

"Now Jaune and Mia, you are going to go to a police station and get a prison bus schedule. Don't worry, about getting uniforms and a car, I have already fixed all of that and, with an ID,"

"Roger," Me and Mia said.

"Good, now go," Lester said as we went our separate ways and got ready for our part.

---------time skip-------

As we were outside with the police car, I started to overthink about what would happen if we were caught or something until Mia asked if I were okay.

"You okay? you were sweating," She asked with a worried look on her face.

"Yea, just thinking about some things, let's go," I said as we stepped out of the car.

"Okay handsome," She said with a flirtatious smile as we began walking up to the station.

"Handsome, we just meet," I said to her as we walked into the station.

"You are handsome anything wrong with me calling you that?" She asked me.

"No, let's just go and get this and get out okay," I told her.

"mmm," she hummed as we began walking to the location of the schedule.

As we were walking to the location, we got strange looks but, we ignored them. When we got there, an officer asked to see our ID and, we did, and he said we could continue.

"You think they know about our fake id," I whispered to her.

"I don't know but, I hope they don't," She whispered back.

When we got to the room where the schedule was to be, we went in and quickly grabbed it. Then began walking back to the cop car. When we got back to the car, we got out of the fast as we could and drove under a bridge and lit the cop car on fire with fire dust along with the cop uniforms, and then drove back to the factory with another vehicle that, was stationed there.

----Timeskip to the factory-----

As we got to the factory, Jack and Zack were already there with Lester and, as we went inside to office, I handed him the schedule and took a seat on the couch.

"Good job, now all we gotta wait is for the prison bus which is tomorrow around 12 am, and those who will get it is Jaune and Jack," He said to us.

"Okay," we told him.

"I'll text you to the location of the bus when it's time for now just go back home," Lester told us.

"Right, see you later guys," I told them as I was walking to my car and jumped in and drove to junior's to get a drink.


Done, if you want, I could add Mia to the harem too but it's up to you. 

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