Part 29: How we Met part 1

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Jaune POV:

As I sat in the black SUV I couldn't stop remembering from the time. I was just an afraid lonely boy that had lost his family and friends.

"A club?" I asked Micheal as we were walking towards a place called Juniors after had grabbed some breakfast.

"Yea, have a friend here who owns the place, and I thought I might as well introduce you," Micheal responded as he was walking ahead of me.

"Is he also a criminal like you?" I asked Micheal, but in my mind, I already knew the answer.

"Yea, but nowadays he acts as an information broker and is a good person to have as a connection since he knows everything that goes down in this city," Micheal as we stepped in front of the club. Luckily it was early in the day, meaning there was hardly any people around except some goons wearing black suits, red ties, red glasses and a black fedora.

"Right," I answered back as Micheal lead me inside the club where I managed to spot two women. One of them was wearing a red and black outfit with a feather in her hair while the second one was wearing a white and light blue dress. Then behind the bar stood a giant of a man wearing a white undershirt, black vest, red tie and black dress pants.

"Hey Junior and the twins, how nice it is to see you," Micheal said with a smile on his face as he approached the man knowns as Junior.

"Hi Micheal, who is your adorable friend," The twins asked while looking over at me while I was slightly blushing.

"Names Jaune," I answered them as I looked to the side, and the twins just giggled.

"What brings you here Micheal," Junior asked as he brought out a mantle whiskey bottle and two glasses.

"Well, wanted to introduce my padawan," Micheal said as he took a sip of the whiskey.

"Really dust wars?" Junior said as he took a sip of the other glass while Micheal just shrugged.

"Well, not lying when I'm telling you I'm taking him under my wing," Micheal said while Junior began couching after choking on his whiskey.

"Since when did you take anyone under your wing," Junior questioned while looking surprised.

"Well, I knew his father and had a debt with him, so only taking him under my wing since I can't just leave him to die," Micheal responded to his question while looking over to the beet faced Jaune as the Twins teased him.

"You are adorable," One of the twins said as they kept teasing me and watching me blush more and more.

"Thank you," I quietly said, and the twins just giggled even more.

"OI, Jaune we gotta go since I have something planned for you," Micheal said, and I quickly stood up, but before I left the twins quickly kissed my cheeks making me blush even harder.

I couldn't stop myself from chuckling as I remembered all the times the twins would tease me, and at that time, I didn't think it would bloom into a complete relationship. Then I quickly drifted off to Micheal and training under him. He was a strict but fair teacher, almost like Miss good witch but didn't have a stick up his ass like her.

I laid panting on the hard concrete floor as I was trying to regain my breath from getting slam on the floor while Micheal stood close by not even tired. We were currently training in hand to hand combat in an old warehouse.

"You need to control your emotions Jaune," Micheal said as he watched me slowly get up.

"What do you mean," I said as I stood up facing him.

"You need to become neutral and don't show off fear nor anger because it could be used against you," He told me as he flexed his right hand.

"This is fucking hard," I grunted out while taking a sip of water from my bottle.

"Nothing in life is easy," Micheal responded as he got ready to fight once more, and I did the same.

I could still remember the beatings and the bruises I would get from training with Micheal, but I was glad since I would probably never survived without his help. Meeting Franklin was also fun since we went out drinking.

"So you are Jaune huh," Franklin said as we both sat in Juniors drinking. Franklin had offered to go out drinking to get to know each other a bit more.

"Yea, Micheal told me you are a good driver," I told franklin, and he chuckled.

"Well, I did do a lot of street racing when I first got my car," Franklin responded.

"Huh, how did you and Micheal even meet?" I question and could see Franklin's grime as he remembered his first-ever meeting.

"Well, he pulled a gun on me and threatened to blow my head off if I didn't do as he said," Franklin said.

"Wait why?" I questioned why since Franklin seemed alright.

"Long story short, I stole a car from his son, and he was lying in the backseat sleeping,"

"Oh damn,"

"Yea.. let's not talk about that now and have fun," Franklin said, and we quickly began drinking the night away conversing with each other.

Meeting franklin was a lot better than meeting Trevor for the first ever time. Since with Trevor was an experience I will never forget.

"LOOK AT THOSE FUCKS RUN," Trevor yelled out was a glee on his face as he watched grimm run away from the terror known as Trevor.

Didn't know that grimm could run away in terror, but I guess I would also if I saw a mad man running towards me with a chainsaw with a sadistic smile. Then proceed to kill my comrades in some brutal ways. I could only watch with a grimace as he went on a rampage on the grimm. At first, I didn't know why Trevor wanted to have our first-ever meetings hunting down Grimm, but I could guess it was to make sure not to get on his angry side.

Even if Trevor was a mad man, he was fun to hang out with when he wasn't being insane or trying to kill people. I couldn't stop myself from smiling as I remembered Trevor getting us two blackout drunk which ended us on top of a giant building naked.

"You seem, happy boss," The driver of the SUV said as he watched my smile.

"Yea, Just remembering good times," I responded as I looked out the window again.


Right sorry for taking so long to get a chapter out. I've been busy with school starting and having a hard time writing a chapter. So I thought I might as well write a flashback chapter. To give more context on how Jaune meet different people. The next chapter will be Jaune meeting Lester, his crew members etc. 

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