Chapter 18

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A man flew passed my head and I bumped into Chris in order to get away from him. Chris grabbed my arm, steadying me and we glanced at each other, our horror mirrored on the other's face. I searched for my mom and found that she was still walking in front, leading us and so we followed.

I looked around, realising that we were on Prescott Street and saw that all of the cars were ruined, some even had their alarms going off and lights flashing. I could tell that it was supposed to be the middle of the afternoon, but there was no sun shining in the sky and the sky itself was covered with dark, grey clouds. I frowned, seeing that trees were wilted, the sidewalks were cracked and there were giant holes in the road. Some of the houses around us were crumbled and in varying states of ruin.

"What happened?" I asked out loud and I saw that we had come to a stop outside of the Halliwell Manor. This house was the only one that looked loved and cared for but it had an ominous presence, something that I'd never felt from it before.

"You did, sweetheart. This is what will happen if you ever given in to your demonic half. A little like what happened when yours and Chris's future selves tried to go back home and the parallel worlds changed. Instead of being completely good, the world is now bad because the Melvyn Elemental changed from neutral to evil in her Ceremony" mom explained and I saw Chris and Wyatt turn to stare at her but I walked up the steps and over to the front window before peering inside.

The living room still looked the same and even had the same furniture, but I could feel the build-up of demonic power inside. Most of it was mine but the power belonged to a collection of demons. I saw myself walk into the living room, closely followed by Lucius and a female who looked familiar.

"Air, please help me to hear" I asked and felt the air particles move around me.

"Have you found the Halliwells yet?" I heard myself ask and when I focused I could see that I was older than I was now. I estimated that this version of me might be around twenty two, the age that I would've been when Chris and I travelled back in time when my mom had still been alive and helping the Charmed Ones. I saw Lucius shake his head before Harry appeared. He looked around eighteen here.

"Hey sis." The older version of me turned to look at Harry and she grinned before walking over and hugging him.

"Everything okay?" He nodded.

"Yeah, Gran finally gave me the Melvyn Book of Shadows so we can see what kids of spells are in here for us to use." We smiled at each other as Harry set the book down on the table.

"I won't tell you what happens next, purely because it will give you nightmares." I sighed at my mom's voice. I didn't need her to tell me, Spirit had already given me the knowledge the moment I felt myself become curious as to what was happening.

"I already know what I'm going to do. I'm going to capture the Halliwells and keep them imprisoned and I'm going to siphon magic from them using Spirit to suck their energy so that I can keep myself replenished. I'm then going to use the same rune on Chris that Dolton used to control him and sway him to my side while keeping the rest of the Halliwells locked away, including my little cousins" I sighed and felt mom's hand appear on my back as she rubbed fondly. She sighed but didn't argue with what I'd said.

"There's another future exactly like this, but you reign from the Underworld. Since the Nexus hasn't existed in years, there isn't really a need to rule from Halliwell Manor, but in this future you took it for yourself since it was the only home you had after losing me. Harry is by your side in both futures where you turn evil and he joins you as well, giving in to his demonic side. When you turn evil, the Melvyn bloodline after you turns evil and so Harry's demonic genes are switched on, therefore giving him more potent demonic magic." I pressed my lips together and nodded at this.

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