Chapter 17

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"Wyatt?" I asked and he smiled before wrapping a beach towel around me.

"Where are we?" He frowned and shrugged his shoulders at me.

"It seems that we are at the little beach we used to play at when we were younger. Why we're here, I don't know. This is your vision quest after all?" I blinked at him.

"Vision quest?" I asked and Wyatt frowned at me.

"Yeah, Lila. A vision quest. Our bodies are back in Magic School in the middle of a sacred circle that I led and our spirits have been take here so that you can embark on this quest and find the answers you want" Wyatt explained and I blinked before feeling my body warm up slightly.

"Of course! I can't believe I forgot!" I gasped and he grinned at me before ruffling my hair affectionately.

"So, why are we here and where should we be going?" I hummed in thought at Wyatt's question before deciding that going home would probably be a good start.

"Home?" I asked and Wyatt shrugged his shoulders before nodding.

"Sure, if you want to start there?" I grinned and nodded, thinking of home and the moment I did we were suddenly in the Halliwell Manor, standing beside a still unconscious Chris, although Uncle Henry was nowhere to be found. I frowned at this and Wyatt looked around but I sighed and walked over to Chris where I knelt down beside his bed and took his hand in my own.

"I'll make things better. I'll figure out what I should be doing with my Melvyn magic and I'll make you better as well. I promise I'll try and get over my pain so that you won't be in pain anymore. I'll work harder so that things can go back to normal between us. I do love you, but I won't force my love on you. It isn't fair to you."

"Fair? What are you talking about? You love me and I love you. It's that simple" Chris replied and I frowned, aware that his mouth wasn't moving but I could hear his voice.

"I..." I wasn't even sure what to say and Chris breathed down my neck, making me squeal and hop to my feet, seeing him standing beside me, seemingly in Spirit form.

"You're in Spirit form?" he asked, frowning at me before looking at Wyatt.

"Wyatt too? What have I missed?" I frowned at him.

"You're in Spirit form as well?" I asked and he frowned down at himself before he glanced at the bed. He had to blink and look again and I saw the confusion on his face.

"Why is my body there and my spirit here?" he asked and I turned to look at Wyatt but my brother just shrugged at me.

"Well, you're unconscious." Chris frowned at this, seemingly more confused.

"But I don't look hurt. Did a demon do it?" I frowned and shook my head.

"No Chris, the elements did and partly me I guess." He looked horrified at this.

"What? Why? Why would the elements do this?"

"What's the last thing you remember?" Wyatt asked and Chris looked at Wyatt over my shoulder before he frowned and shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, I remember having a really horrible dream after fighting Taron yesterday. These demons appeared in my dream and they cast some weird spell on me that made me feel sick and my entire body burned. I remember waking up this morning and feeling really strange. Something felt wrong and then seeing you, Lila, made my entire heart and body hurt. I felt sad whenever I was around you and a little apprehensive but obviously we had everyone around what with what happened with you and Caleb. I remember going to sleep but I don't really remember waking up until now." I felt my entire jaw drop as I looked at Chris in horror. He moved towards me squeezed my shoulder and I shook him off, waiting for him to realise what he'd done. Chris just frowned at me, looking upset.

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