Chapter 11

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"Are you sure about this, Lila?" Leo asked as he stood facing me, the two of us standing at the bottom of the stairs.

Piper had left just moments before to go to work while Mel, Wyatt and Chris had already gone to school for the day, although Wyatt had wished me luck on my first day at Magic School. I smiled at Leo and nodded before frowning up at the wall where the door to Magic School would soon appear.

"I can always shimmer us there?" I asked and Leo chuckled a little but shook his head.

"After the attack from Union, everyone is on edge should it happen again. I think seeing you shimmer in would freak everyone out. For the time being, we'll use the doorway. It's how I get to Magic School anyway." I nodded as Leo made the door appear and I couldn't help but to frown in confusion.

"Dad?" I asked and Leo turned to look at me, the same goofy smile on his face whenever I called him dad and he hummed, telling me to ask him what was on my mind.

"Actually, I've always wondered how you call the door for Magic School. Shouldn't it be called only by a magical being?" Leo just grinned as we walked through the medieval looking wooden door and straight into the library which made me blink in surprise at how empty and quiet it was in here.

"Well, normally that is true. Only a magical being would be allowed to access a portal. Mortals can walk through the portal and appear here, but they can't find the portals like magical beings can. Even though I'm mortal it works a little differently for me because I'm the Headmaster. All I have to do is ask for the door and it appears, but I don't know how it would work around any other portals in the San Francisco area. I might not be able to use them, since I'd have to see them first." I nodded in understanding and Leo greeted Miss Donovan who still worked part time in the library though she was the Literature Professor now.

"Okay Lila. You've been enrolled in all of the advanced classes and I have your schedule in my office, so just follow me. Luckily I teach the first class so we can walk there together... unless-" I looked up at Leo waiting for him to finish his thought.

"Unless?" I prompted and he sighed before looking at me sadly.

"Unless you don't want to walk to class with me?" I blinked in confusion, trying to understand what Leo meant before I received a wave of uncertainty and excitement. I smiled and shook my head at him.

"I have no problem walking to class with my dad. It just depends on if he wants to walk with me. He is a pretty awesome Headmaster you know and I'm worried that associating with a half-demon will impact how he is viewed by his students. What do you think Professor?" I half teased and Leo chuckled before we reached a door with his name on. He opened it and gestured me inside before him.

I blinked and looked around the Headmaster's office. It was definitely a lot bigger than the officer that Principal Smithers had and Leo's office looked well maintained and even loved. There were large comfy chairs facing his desk and I could see that his desk had a collection of framed photographs along with paperwork collected into neat piles. I gathered that Leo had organised the paperwork based on content and importance. He was an extremely organised headmaster and one who I knew cared deeply for his students.

Leo wandered over to his desk and shuffled papers around as I turned away from the comfy chairs, which were an interesting peach colour, and to the rest of his office. Leo's office had wood panelled walls, which kept with the entire decoration of Magic School. The Elders who had created Magic School must have loved wood at that point in time but it suited the feel of power that the school had. However, the walls were covered with tapestries and paintings, giving life and colour to a room that would've otherwise been dark. The window behind Leo was large, offering a decent amount of natural light as well as a beautiful view of the top of Golden Gate Bridge, dusted with white, fluffy clouds lazily floating by.

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