Chapter 7

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Today was Tuesday. Chris had ended things with me yesterday. It felt like years had gone by since that had happened and already the entire school knew that we weren't together any more. Chris hadn't helped though since I hadn't see him at all today. It was good I guess, since we'd both have space but the rumours had started immediately this morning in homeroom when Chris avoided sitting next to me and Amy. He'd sat on the opposite side of the room, as far away as possible. My life was messed up.

I sighed and Amy wrapped her left hand around my right as we left the female changing rooms and headed out for Gym class. If there was any class I would've not wanted to have had right now, it would be Gym. Typical that my least favourite class is the class that I have to deal with right now. I squeezed Amy's hand and she squeezed back before we let go of each other. I did not need Kristy making up more rumours and crap about me. I'd had enough of her for a lifetime as it was.

Amy and I were some of the first to arrive in the gym. Other kids mingled around and the moment the two of us entered they turned and started whispering excitedly which made me sigh.

They need a punch in the face Amy's voice huffed in my head. I blinked in surprise since I'd never known her to project her thoughts so I had to assume that she wasn't very happy about what was going on today. I grinned at her which made her frown at me so I tapped my temple, telling her I'd heard what she'd just been thinking.

"I could create a monsoon if we go outside today? Imagine Kristy getting soaked through. Do you think her face would melt off?" I laughed at this and Amy grinned at me.

"It would be fitting. She always reminded me of the Wicked Witch of the West." I carried on laughing, my cheeks aching because I'd actually thought of Kristy in that way for a while. She did have a high pitch cackle for a laugh. Amy laughed with me and the gym suddenly went quiet. I didn't need anyone to tell me why. I could feel Chris's presence behind me, but he avoided me again and instead went over to a group of guys who he knew, but rarely hung out with in Gym class since he was always with us. I sighed and Amy huffed.

"I don't know what's wrong with him but someone needs to hit him over the head and knock some sense back into his brain." I'd told Amy this morning what had happened.

After last night, Wyatt and Mel had reappeared in the conservatory after helping their family with another demon from what I understood. Wyatt had swept me up into his arms and taken me upstairs to my room before placing me comfortably on my bed. I'd fallen asleep and missed food. Piper had left it in the fridge like she usually did but I hadn't woken up in the night to eat which is what I tended to do if I fell asleep and missed any meal.

When I'd come down for breakfast this morning, everyone was there except Chris. Apparently he'd left for soccer training this morning and Piper and Leo didn't seem aware of what had happened between Chris and me. I learned that that was because both Wyatt and Mel had said that I had gone to sleep early last because I wasn't feeling well. We all acted as normally as possible- or as normal as I could act when I wasn't hungry enough for breakfast which made Piper worry a little since I was always hungry- before leaving for the day.

Amy nudged me and I blinked, realising that I'd been staring at Chris, who looked incredibly uncomfortable so with a sigh, I focused back on what was happening, seeing the Gym teacher appear and making everyone cheer as we found we would be playing dodgeball for a change. I huffed at this and so did Amy.

"Really? Of all the days to play dodgeball, he chooses today?" I huffed and Amy frowned at me before shrugging her shoulders.

"You could always try and hit Chris with the ball if he's on the opposite team?" I rolled my eyes at Amy, even though she seemed to find that idea amusing. I had a feeling she'd try and do that if she could. I hummed and looked at her which made her frown at me in confusion.

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