Chapter 31 -The Best Gift

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The spotlight were on us, a familiar song is played, That's the one i heard back at home.
Hawa banke ....but this tune is something different from that one. Its more slow and soothing than that one.
Suddenly, he hold my hand totally gatecrashing my thoughts, i looked at him, he smiled and then pulled me towards him just like he did on our reception party but this is different, his eyes are soft now, don't know why but it feels something different, he put my left hand to his chest  and slid his right hand on my waist ,directly staring to my eyes and so am i, after few minutes, he make me turn facing my back holding my both hands in a way that his face is just above my shoulders, i can feel his breath there, his regular mint scent silky hairs, my back is touching his front body.
He then again turn me and now, my both hands were on his shoulder and his on my waist, we move with the rythm, then he make me twirl holding my hand and with a jerk, made me fall just after when he hold me, bending towards me. I am surprised with this sudden move, he winked at me and smiled. The music stops suddenly and i can hear the sound of claps..we get back to normal. I look at him last time, he smiled at me.


The party is over, we came back to our home, with everyone, this is the best birthday ever for me but happiness doesn't last longer i heard. Bhaiya bhabhi are going back to New York day after tomorrow and so as mom dad to ahmedabad. Everything will be normal again, which i don't want.

Then, I saw the bathroom door open, darshan came out with the towel around his neck and those wet hairs,  he just took a bath.
He sat on the couch then suddenly something happened which really embarrassed me, he caught me staring at him, why the fuck did i stared at him? Ohh God, i need to thank him for today.
I went near him, he is soaking his hair through the towel, he look at me at a glace and said,
'Do you want to say something?' he got it.
'ummm.. ' i nodded
'Sit' he said with a commanding tone and i sat down.
'Wo actually... Darshan...' I was trying to say but it's his stare that's making me uncomfortable ,
I decided not to look at him so i closed my eyes and..
'Thank-you for what you did today, it made my day like i never supposed it to be happen in my life ever, it was the best day of my life ' i just said it in a flow
I opened my eyes and found him still staring at me, now with an wierd face, then he chuckled.
'Well... I have an another surprise for you' he said
'Another... What..?' i asked
'wait a minute' he said and went to the cupboard ,took out a file and handed over to me,
'what's it.?'i asked
'open it..' he said
I opened and read it...................
I can't just believe what's written in that file, it''s written that the case of aarav is being handed over to his elder sister, that is me, and its the official notice of court. It is a declaration by my father, he signed it. It means from now on, i am the only parent of him.
But why? How? When ?

Tears dropped down my cheeks, of happiness, i looked at darshan, he is smiling... And.... I hugged him. That moment i just wanted to do so, this is the best day of my whole life...the thing i wanted since so long, Aarav is mine now, only mine.!



The way she hugged me, the tears of happiness is visible in her eyes and cheeks, yes she is happy, a smiling and crying aisha at the same time with the happiness perfectly visible in the eyes. The same aisha which i hated at first, whom i thought to be the most rudest and mysterious person ever in the world. Its so weird na, how much i hated her for coming in my life but now i understood, everyone has its own reason, that's what she teach me.

Don't know why but everytime i see her like this, there's like something is taking birth inside me, its something different but known to me, may be it's because i love to see people happy beside me but also, to be honest, i never felt what i felt with aisha ever, her smile is different, a smile which can catch anyone's attention and its... It's beautiful.

'Thank you thank you so much darshan...' She said looking at me and then she kissed that file.
'How did you do this' she asked.
'well, you need not to worry that, it was simple.,ok?' i said and she smiled.
"No buts, no ifs, you deserved this and relax everything is fine now." I said cutting her in between
'Thankyou so much, this is not only a birthday present for me, it's my life, thankyou so much darshan' she said with an excitement in her eyes.
' I am glad that you liked it' i said
'darshan u gave my life to me, how do i like it? Its my damn life, the reason for i lived till now, thank you so much' and then she again hugged me, i so did it back.

Well wasn't so easy coz her father had all the rights with him but then, i am also darshan, afterall i didn't let him snatched anyone's happiness though. And aisha... I can do anything for her happiness ..!

She is not the one i ever thought to be with, but she is now the one whose company seems  peaceful to me.


Hey readers, thank you for your love to this story till now, I update every story so slowly yet you all support me and loving this story, thankyouu so much, i am a little busy with my studies so i couldn't post it but believe me, i m trying my best and will always do... LOVE YOU ALL ❤

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