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Jack's POV

I hurried into the tailor's store after dropping off Melody at the bridal shop, knowing I was well past fashionably late.

"Finally decided to show up now did you?"

"Sorry Daniel, I had to bring Melody over to the shop and then there was this whole thing about a note..."

"What note?"

"I'll fill you in later."

A slender man in his seventies with sunken eyes approached us with a tape measure.

"Are you ready to start gentlemen?"

The tailor measured and displayed different cufflinks, lengths of ties, types of material. It was almost boring me to sleep. The only good thing about the afternoon was spending time with Daniel. He'd been so busy with the wedding plans lately we didn't have much time to chat.

"So if I got this straight, a guy who worked for Frankie dropped a note off-like a will? Leaving his loot behind for Melody?"

"Basically, yes. I can't trust this Roberto guy at all, or the note. I think someone is setting her up."

"Like Chief Dooley always said; if you got a hunch, go chase it."

I nodded, remembering my old superior fondly.

In the middle of our discussion I heard the shop bells ring, and in came a skinny kid with brown locks who looked to be in his early twenties.

"Mason? What are you doing here?" Daniel exclaimed.

"Ma bought me a bus ticket and shipped me off here. Thought it would be good if I came to see you before the wedding I guess."

Daniel stood from his chair and embraced the young man. His stature was boyish, his words were too.

"Jack, this is my younger brother Mason. He goes to university just outside of the city. Mason, this is my colleague and best man Jack Thompson."

"Nice to meet you Mason."

"Hey, isn't the brother of the groom supposed to be the best man?"

"I figured you'd be too busy with college to have time. Plus, we all know how clumsy you can be. Wouldn't want to lose the ring."

Mason chuckled as Daniel ruffled his hair. We talked for a few minutes more, the two brothers making up for lost time. The old tailor came back, eying a potential client.

"Hey Mason, wanna get fitted for a suit?"


"If you want to be a part of the ceremony, then we can't have you looking like a frat boy. C'mon I'll pay-"

"Oh you don't have to, I can cover it."

Mason pulled out a fine leather wallet and took a wad of bills from it.

"Woah, where did you get that kind of cash?"

"Just some work outside of school. Don't worry about it Dan."

The large amount of cash and high-quality wallet were suspicious, but now wasn't the time to press Mason.

Melody's POV

"I'm here girls!" I shouted.

"Mel! Come look! There's so many dresses!"

Angie ran around, touching dress after dress, drowning in tulle.

"I don't even know where to start," Peggy mumbled.

"Don't worry, I'm here to help."

A friendly looking worker with a button nose and flashy red hair approached us.

"Do you have any styles in mind Miss?"

"Oh gosh, I have no clue-"

"She'll want something big, with lots of lace, no, pearls!" Angie cut in.

I glanced at Peggy and chuckled. Angie certainly was excited.

After two hours, Peggy still hadn't found the right dress.

"Ugh, it's no use! I don't like any of these!"

"Hey, it's okay Peg. You're going to find something."

The red-haired worker had brought out many dresses, even Angie had started looking through the racks. Out of boredom I decided to poke around. One dress caught my eye and I smiled. This one screamed Peggy.

"Here, try on this one Peg."

Peggy sighed, took the dress from my hand, and walked off to change behind the curtain. Angie and I waited patiently on the couch and chatted with the worker. When Peggy stepped out, we gasped.

The dress had a sweetheart neckline with delicate lace sleeves. The simple yet eye-catching fabric pooled at her feet, leaving a tasteful train. The hem of the dress swished as she moved, then settled back down again when she stopped.

"Peg, you look..."

Even Angie was speechless.

"It's perfect for you Peg. Absolutely perfect."

Tears welled in her eyes as she turned to look in the mirror.

"I think this is the one."

Angie, Peggy, and I gathered together in a sniffly mess of a hug. After drying our eyes, the seamstress started to make alterations. Angie had wandered off for a moment, and came back in a perfect princess wedding dress.

"What are you doing Angie?"

"What, can't a girl play dress-up?"

Peggy and I laughed as Angie twirled in her dress.

"Besides, things between Luke and I have been great. I think he might be the one."

"I'm so happy you're happy Angie."

"What about you southern belle? You're the next one in line to be married. Why don't you try a dress on?"

"Oh, I don't think so-"

"Come on Mel, then we'll all have one on."

"Oh alright-"

Before I could get another word out, Angie dragged me away to look for a dress.

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