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Angie had insisted that I come to her hotel room in the morning to get ready together for the rehearsal dinner. As soon as my knuckles had touched her door she swung it open and pulled me inside.

"Thank God you're here, I'm a mess!"

I chuckled and poured myself a cup of tea from the porcelain pot.

"What's the matter, Angie?"

"My curls! Look at them! They're an absolute mess!"

Angie continued on about her appearance but I began to zone out.

I felt suddenly nauseous and it was making the room spin.

A touch of a soft hand coaxed me back into reality.

"You alright southern belle?"

Her voice had gone soft and calm, an unusual tone for Angie.

"I'm alright, really. Maybe another cup of tea will help."

Angie sprung into action and quickly poured me a cup of ginger tea and held it to my lips.

"Thank you, I'm feeling much better."

"You sure?"

"Quite. Now, let's get you all glammed up."

She smiled wide and pulled a velvety dress out of a bag.

"Look! I bought this in one of the shops in town. Luke paid. Said it was 'stunning' on me."

"I believe he will be right."

"What're you wearing?"

I grabbed my bag and pulled out a silky lavender dress.

"That's spectacular! Perfect for a dinner party."

"Let me just slip this on and make sure it doesn't need any quick adjustments before tonight."

Angie smiled and fell back onto her bed to wait while I headed into the bathroom. I locked the door but immediately I had to stop moving.

I found a seat on the edge of the tub and steadied myself.

What the hell was going on? Just as that question popped into my head, the sickening feeling returned to my stomach and I threw up.

I didn't even bother trying on the dress, I just needed to lay down. I walked out of the bathroom and started gathering my things.

"Hey where do you think you're going?"

"I'm sorry Angie, I've forgotten that I have something I have to check up on."

"What about my hair?"

"It looks beautiful, don't worry."

Jack's POV

Mason was quite a suspicious kid. He left early in the morning to leave in a taxi and didn't return back to the hotel until past dinner.

What was he out doing all day?

I'd planned to follow him into town today, but by the time my cab came he'd taken off again. I turned back to the main house and decided to start over again the next day.

I was surprised to see Melody was sitting on the small love seat looking over some papers. She snapped them shut before I could get a closer look.

"What're you doing back so early from Angie's?"

"Felt a little dizzy. Her room smells too much like expensive London perfume."

We'd come to an understanding last night at the stone bench. It was clear this was bigger than just Frankie, and we needed to be on the same page.

As much as I wanted this to be dropped, I knew it needed to be seen through.

"Any calls from your family yet Jack?"

"No, but I told them I was sorry we couldn't make the funeral. It seemed to be a pretty intimate affair anyways. What're you looking at?"

"Nothi-I'm just-just reading the paper."

She tucked whatever it was away and got up from her seat. The color from her cheeks was drained and her eyes looked panicked even though she was trying to hide it.

I'd never seen her so aghast.

"Hey," I said while grabbing her arm lightly, "you feeling okay? Should I tell Daniel you're ill and can't make it?"

"I'm alright, just up late thinking about what the poem means. I notice you're not sleeping great either."

"I don't like feeling so far away from you, sweetheart."

"I'm right here. I'm with you. We're going to solve this thing once and for all, but most importantly, together."

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