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My curiosity carried me up the stairs and out of the rowdy bar into the cool night air. I surveyed the surrounding buildings until my eyes landed on a large warehouse, the one the bartender had told me about.

As I approached I could see the silhouettes of men unloading barrels of alcohol into the expansive space.

"Can I help you Miss?"

A large red-haired man strode towards me. He looked like a lumberjack with his flannel red shirt and scruffy beard.

Oh, I-I just needed some fresh air."

He gave a curt nod and returned to his labors.

I went to turn back towards the bar, but some inkling of curiosity held me back.

"You wouldn't happen to know anyone named Ron?" I stammered.

Usually I was more confident, but this whole situation was throwing me for a loop.

"Well, I'm Ron. Who's asking?"

"My name's Melody Brown. I got a note and it led me here, to you."

His face changed to a stone-like look, but I could see the fear cascading shades of darkness in his eyes.

He ushered me away from the other workers and into the damp warehouse. The aroma of whiskey encircled me, seeping from every corner of the expansive place.

"I don't know how you can stand working around this alcohol all day. Makes my stomach churn."

"It'll do that to you, but I've learned to overcome such things."

Ron's feet shuffled in an awkward manner, the burly man sinking into a sheepish looking one. I knew I had to initiate the conversation since he was reluctant to start.

"So, is there a new address for me or something? A letter, perhaps?"

"I hope you know this isn't a joking manner, Ms.Brown. Ol' Russo-God rest his soul-has quite a few enemies. Ones," his eyes scanning the room for listeners, "ones that are after the same thing you are."

"If the matter is so delicate, why send me on this stupid chase? Why not give me the location outright?"

"That blatant knowledge would be too easy for perpetrators to get a hold of. No, it couldn't be that obvious, words straight Russo's mouth. Now, do you want what I have to tell you?"

I paused, weighing my options carefully. I could decline and let this whole situation lay at rest.

Maybe it'd be better if Frankie's competitors got what they wanted. I could head back to the hotel, enjoy my time in London with Jack...


I knew I would never be able to rest if I didn't see this through to the end. A pang in my chest told me to look the opposite way from the danger and from Jack's wishes.

"Alright, I'll take whatever information you can give to me."

Like magic, he produced a small folded paper from the inside of his shirt pocket. I reached out, and the weight of the paper felt oddly familiar.

"Tread carefully Ms.Brown. I hope you find what you're looking for."

The sound of my heels hitting the concrete floors echoed around the barrels as I headed back towards the tavern.

Ron's figure grew smaller and smaller as I walked, but the feeling of someone's presence didn't go away. My eyes shifted across the water, to a shadowy alley, then back to the pulsing Thames.

"I'm just being silly," I muttered to myself.

But still, I clutched the little paper tighter as I made my way back inside.

Stubborn and in Love (Book Three)Where stories live. Discover now