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Jack's POV

On my way to Daniel's room, I spotted Mason playing a round of pool with a few other guests in the gameroom. I ducked my head in and watched as he made a perfect shot into the left corner.

"Nice to see you again, Mason."

He nodded his head in response, coating the end of his stick with chalk.

"Is Daniel up in his room?"

"I believe so. Before you go, care to settle a bet?"

I turned my body towards the men, eying Mason.


"Blondes or brunettes?"


"Alright Mason, you owe us twenty," said one of the other players.

"Really? Brunettes, Thompson?"

My mind went straight to Melody's wavy, soft brown hair.

Grinning at the thought of her, I ruffled Mason's hair and headed out the door.

"Catch ya later, college boy."

A few minutes later I wound up in front of Daniel's suite. I tapped lightly on the overly ornate door and checked my watch. A few moments later he opened the door and greeted me with a smile.

"I thought you'd be here sooner."

"Yeah, I got a little caught up. This place is pretty..."

"Ritsy? I know, but Peggy loves a good view."

I glanced down at Daniel's hands, which he kept wringing out.

"Wedding got you nervous, Sousa?"


I gave him a look and waited.

"Fine, just a little. Don't tell Peggy."

"She's the one for you, I know it. If there's anyone who can deal with her, it's you."

He grinned and let out a breath.

"Want a drink? There's a mini bar in here."

I nodded and entered the suite. Daniel poured whiskey into two crystal clear glasses, then slid mine towards me across the bar.

"Well I think you've missed your calling Sousa. Bartending is clearly your passion."

"And what? Quit the SSR? I'm too essential."

"Peg's really been rubbing off on you."

He chuckled and poured himself another drink. We talked for a while until Daniel checked his watch.

"Oh shoot, I promised Peggy I'd meet her for dinner."

"No problem, I should probably head back and wake up Mel. My bet is that she's been sleeping this entire time."

I said my goodbyes to Daniel and headed back to my suite. Pulling out the brass keys, I unlocked the door quietly and slipped inside.

As I suspected, Melody was still asleep.

Her face looked peaceful, her legs tangled up in the sheets. I touched her bare shoulder lightly and planted a kiss on her forehead before laying down next to her. Melody's eyes fluttered slightly, then opened and adjusted to the light slowly.

"Mhm, how long was I asleep for?"

"Oh, a couple hours. Daniel says hello. He's meeting Peggy for dinner downstairs."

"That sounds nice, I'm starved."

"Glad to hear it, I have a surprise."

A waiter rolled in a cart of food, piled high with steaming plates. Melody sat up excitedly, her hungry eyes settling on the cart.

The waiter left quickly after I tipped him, and Melody rolled the cart closer to the bed.

"All of this is for us?"

"Yeah, and I hope you have room for dessert. I got chocolate cake."

"Oooh, I want that now," she said, grabbing the plate with the cake.

"Dessert before dinner?"

"Why not? We're in London. Nothing matters here."

She dug her fork into the cake, stuffing a large bite into her mouth. I chuckled at the smear of chocolate left on her face.

"Here, stay still."

I took my thumb and wiped the smudge away.

"What a cheesy move, Jack."

"Too cheesy?"

"No, just perfect."

Melody leaned towards me, placing a soft kiss on my lips. We made a mess eating our way through the plates, gorging on all of London's finest.

"I don't know about you, but I'm full."

"Me too. I'm gonna go use that giant bathtub now."

"Without me?"

"Of course not. Let's go, Jack."

Stubborn and in Love (Book Three)Where stories live. Discover now