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Jack's POV

The smell of bacon enveloped my apartment on another lazy Sunday morning. While Melody was busy in the kitchen, I attempted to fix our broken radio.

Melody lived for music, she was always dancing around and humming the tune of Frank Sinatra and Etta James. The way she moved, her hips swaying, feet spinning, she looked gorgeous.

She would always pull me onto her makeshift dance floor, making me laugh and dance along with her.

My girl, coming alive to the sound of the saxophone.

The shrill ring of the telephone pulled me from my daydreaming. I swiped it off the hook and pressed it to my ear.

Thompson here.

Hey Jack, it's Sarah.

What's going on? You sound worried.

Michael's father has been rushed to the hospital. We need to get up there quickly. Would it be okay to drop the boys off at your place? I need to just focus on Micheal and his dad.

Melody came over to listen in and nodded her head at me to accept Sarah's request. I paused for a minute, but Melody hit my arm aggressively.

Yeah, we can watch them. What time will you be in the city?

Two hours.

Alright, we'll be waiting.

Thank you so much Jack, I owe you one.

I hung up the phone and wandered into the kitchen. I gave Melody a look, a look that said what were we thinking? As much as I loved my nephews, I had no idea how to care for kids.

"Don't give me that look Jack."

"Where are they supposed to sleep?"

"They're like two feet tall, they'll fit anywhere."

I tried to hide my smile, but her cheeky look caused me to break out grinning.

"Oh, and who's gonna comfort them in the middle of the night when they're upset?"

"That obvious, you."

"Me?" I exclaimed.

"Of course Jack, you're all soft around them."

She shoved me playfully while I slipped my arms around her waist.

"Plus," she said as she rested her head on my chest, "it's good practice."


"For kids of...kids of our own someday."

I could tell by her tone that she was testing the waters on this subject.

"What happened to Miss, 'I am a working woman who doesn't have time to raise a family'?"

"I'm not saying now, but eventually. I still have things to accomplish first before I become an ugly housewife."

I laughed and hugged her tighter.

"You couldn't be an ugly housewife if you tried. You're too beautiful."

She stood on her toes and planted a kiss on my lips. She always tasted so sweet, like honey, and she smelled of flowers and lust and all good things.

"C'mon Jack, we have to get ready for our guests."

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