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On the job I'd found bodies before, but this one was particularly alarming since I'd met this man not even 24 hours ago.

I called Daniel and Peggy who were at the SSR office, and they called Jack for me. All three of them met me at the morgue a quarter of an hour later.

"Are you sure this is the same guy Melody?"

"I'm positive. I remember the skittish look in his eyes, like he was afraid to be telling me this information."

"Do you think some mobsters came after him because he shared the information about Frankie's stash at that bank?"

"That's probably it. Someone is after the metals and gems."

I thought long and hard about every conversation Frankie and I had in the past few weeks leading up to his death.

Recalling the past weeks were difficult, trying to push past all the painful memories of Frankie and being separated from Jack... Being separated from Jack. That was it.

"What is it Mel? Do you have something?" Peggy pressed.

"Before you guys came that first time to try and break me free at the vineyard, I'd tried to escape myself. I was hidden beneath some grape vines when I heard Frankie talking to one of his goons. He mentioned something about a blond-haired woman wanting what he has stashed away. Frankie told the guy it wasn't reserved for that woman, but the man made her sound pretty impatient. I think she's the missing link."

"Probably the same woman who broke into your apartment and left that glove."

I acknowledged Jack's remark with a curt nod.

"Well we're going to go run some tests on Roberto's body, maybe we can figure out his time of death. The mysterious woman is probably still here in New York."

I didn't bother staying around with Daniel and Peggy to wait for the results. After all the walking the only thing I wanted to do was lay down and go to sleep.

I slipped out of the room before Jack had a chance to offer me a ride back. Darkness settled around me as I walked back home. I heard a car slow down on the road beside me and soon saw it was Jack.

"Why didn't you let me offer you a ride?"

"I didn't think you could speak," I spat.

I quickened my pace on the sidewalk.

"Just get in the car Melody."

"Nope, I don't need your assistance, or words, or compliments since that's obviously too difficult for you."

Jack rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Well I'm not just going to leave you to walk in the dark alone."

"How kind."

I dipped onto a back road so Jack couldn't follow me with his car anymore. My blood was boiling, practically turning the night air into summer heat.

Jack-more like jackass-still hadn't apologized to me.

Even after walking back into his apartment. Even after brushing my teeth. And even after going to bed. He just slid into bed next to me without a word.

I ripped the covers away from him, making him retreat to the couch. I slipped out of the apartment the next morning and took my own car to work. The only thing I wanted to focus on was finding the bank Frankie left his belongings in.

"I take it you're still not talking to Jack after the...incident?"

"Nope. He hasn't said a word and neither have I."

"You two aren't yelling, what an unusual day."

I cracked a small smile for Peggy but focused back on my work. Jack could wait, I had a murder to solve.

Stubborn and in Love (Book Three)Where stories live. Discover now