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Jack's POV

After the squabble with Melody, I decided to disregard any guilt I'd felt from the afternoon and head down to the hotel bar to grab a drink with Daniel, Luke, and Mason.

"Mason! Get off that damn payphone! Come join us for another drink!" slurred Daniel.

Luke had slumped over in his chair two drinks in and was fast asleep in a pile of his own drool. I shook my head and grinned.

"Boy am I gonna tease the hell outta you guys for this one."

"Be quiet Jack, you'd be just like Luke if you bothered to take a sip of your beer." Daniel shot back.

He was right. As much as I wanted to forget about the day, I couldn't force myself to take the glass to my lips.

The part of me that wasn't angry with Melody knew that she was getting herself into trouble. As if he read my mind Daniel spoke:

"If you're worried about Melody, she's probably with the girls. I heard Angie talking about a speakeasy by the Thames. They're probably there right now."

He rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to Mason.

"What the hell are you doing, chatting up the operator?"

Mason reluctantly hung up the phone and slid back into his chair, but not before ordering another round of drinks. Finally Daniel began to sober up again.

"So Jack, how's your sister doing? You know, with her father in law's passing and all."


"Sarah." Mason interrupted.

I gave him a funny look and he sputtered out a response.

"I-I only know from what you've said about her."

I nodded, but I wasn't totally satisfied with his answer.

"Yeah Sarah's handling it well. She's taking some time off of work to spend with the kids."

Daniel nodded soberly and slugged back another bourbon.

"Okay I think it's time I bring the groom back to his suite."

I hauled Daniel onto his feet and asked Mason to escort Luke back to his hotel room. His eyes closed as soon as he fell onto the mattress, and the sound of Daniel's snoring filled the quiet room.

I left a note for Peggy and locked the door with a swift click. As tired as I was, the daunting task of apologizing to Melody in order to be let into the room was too much right now.

Currently I had a hunch to follow.

On my way to find Mason, I spotted Melody entering the wide doors of Wolf Lodges with Angie and Peggy. I darted behind an oversized fern and waited for the group to pass.

She reeked of whiskey, but her movements didn't indicate a drunken state.

Then I remembered; that goddamned note. Groaning, I knew I had to put an end to this.

Mason would just have to wait.

Melody's POV

The room was dark, so apparently Jack was still avoiding me. I clicked on the lamps and changed into a nightgown.

All I wanted to do was let sleep consume me. Snuggling into the sheets, I missed the feeling of Jack's weight pressed against me.

This argument was so stupid in reality, but our personalities have always collided.

Keys jingled in the doorframe and I knew he was back from wherever he'd snuck off to.

The bathroom sink ran with water, a towel thumped to the floor.

Jack entered the room and stared at me for a moment while I pretended to be asleep. He sighed, kicked off his shoes and slid into bed.

He flipped over away from me and pulled the sheets towards him. I pulled back, then he pulled, then I until I couldn't stand this silent battle any longer.

"Stealing the sheets? Really, Jack? Very mature."

He sat up abruptly and turned to me.

"About as mature as slamming the taxi door in my face," he spat.

"You called me headstrong!"

"That's because you are!"

I glared at him and with one fell swoop I tore the sheets off of his lap and wrapped them around me tightly.

Stubborn and in Love (Book Three)Where stories live. Discover now