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Melody's POV

The evening church bells sang as we headed to the private reception area at Wolf Lodges. The rehearsal at the church had taken a long time and the whole party was famished.

The wedding party soon met up with the rest of the guests for dinner. Howard and Jarvis had been MIA this whole trip but promised to show up tonight and for the wedding. Apparently Stark had some other 'affairs' to take care of.

It was a nicely decorated room with a small tasteful band and singer and on a small wooden platform. They played a few songs as we ate and chatted, then Peggy leaned over from her seat to whisper to me.

"Are you still ready for this?"

I wasn't sure what she was talking about at first, but then I remembered a particular night a few months ago.

I was working late at the SSR office and I was humming to myself, then when I realized no one was around, I began to sing.

I've always been told my voice was good, but it was a side of myself I didn't share with anyone.

Something about singing is so personal, so real, it's hard to open up through song to people for me.

Well, any type of opening up is difficult for me I guess.

Little did I know Peggy had forgotten her hat and heard me singing from down the hall. Right then and there she insisted that I'd sing at her wedding. I couldn't let Peggy down, but what would Jack say?

Peggy gave me a little push, and as I walked I kept my eyes directly on the open microphone.

Jack's POV

"What is she doing?" I whispered to Daniel as I watched Melody head onto the modest stage.

"Whatever it is, she looks great doing it," Howard cut in.

Jarvis stood silently next to him, but I could see he wanted to roll his eyes.

Her dress swished around her legs as she moved, her hand gripping the microphone tightly as she took a few deep breaths.

The band started playing the soft, steady tune of My Funny Valentine (listen to Alice Fredenham's version to get full effect).

Melody swayed softly and on her cue, the lyrics crept softly out of her mouth:

My funny valentine

Sweet comical valentine

You make me smile with my heart

As she sang, her voice gained confidence, sweet, dripping notes blooming from her lips. Finally the green of her eyes locked with mine.

Your looks are laughable, unphotographable

Yet, you're my favorite work of art

My heart began to beat faster, the deep, sultry sound of her voice encircling my body, sending sweet shivers down my spine.

"Did you know she could sing like this?" Daniel whispered.

I shook my head, transfixed on Melody.

Is your figure less than Greek?

Is your mouth a little weak?

When you open it to speak, are you smart?

The way her dress fell over her figure, her shining hair in voluminous curls, red lips parted as the whispery melody of her voice enchanted the crowd; she was perfect.

Nothing like I'd ever seen before.

Melody was the epitome of beauty, some sweet, unchanging being sent from the heavens. What I felt, it wasn't mere love for someone.

It wasn't just a word uttered to someone you had a momentary fling with. No, it was the type of love spoken between lovers who've spent years saying it over and over, yet the intention didn't change.

It was the need, the desire, to spend every aching moment with her.

But, don't change a hair for me

Not if you care for me

Stay, little valentine, stay

Each day is Valentine's Day

The last notes of the song faded away into the air, leaving a hypnotized version of the party, like time had stopped existing.

Melody smiled softly and finally claps and cheers filled the stock-still air. My limbs refused to move, my head replayed the sound of her voice over and over again.

Her eyes dropped away from mine as her heels clacked across the stage, and then, in a split second, she was enveloped into a swarm of oohs and ahhs.

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