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Melody's POV

"Who wants eggs?"

Gabe and Harris nodded eagerly at me as I slid a sunny side up egg onto each of their plates. Jack was in the kitchen getting coffee and came out with two steaming hot mugs.

I turned towards him as he pulled me away from the boys.

"So, do you think you can handle them?"

"Me? I told you I don't do the stay at home thing. I'm too much of a modern woman for that."

Jack rolled his eyes, putting the mug of coffee to his lips.

"If I stay home then who's gonna run the office?"

"I think they can handle one day without you Jack. Besides, I have a lot of work to catch up on."

"As do I."

"Well you know what this means then."

"We call a babysitter?"

I smiled at Jack, a mischievous plan forming in my head. Grabbing my breakfast from the frying pan, I joined Gabe and Harris at the table. Jack was close on my heels, taking a seat.

Immediately Jack and Gabe became engrossed in conversation about Joe DiMaggio's season record, Jack only pausing for a moment to wipe juice off of Gabe's cheek.

Harris was a thoughtful little boy, often standing in the shadow of his extroverted brother. He was comfortable just observing and taking in the world around him.

He reminded me of a young boy from long ago, filled with cherry soda and innocence and dreams of the future.

Thoughts of young Frankie filled my head, but were quickly replaced by the monster he'd become.

The thought of work took me back to my original plan for today. I cleared my throat, catching the attention of Jack and Gabe.

"Well boys, it looks like you'll be able to get your first lessons on how to be a spy sooner than you thought. Who's ready to head to the station?"

Gabe and Harris immediately started jumping up and down, yipping and bubbling over like a tea kettle on the stove. Jack stared at me wide-eyed, quickly pulling me away to have another chat.

"Take them to work? Are you crazy?"

"It's only one day Jack."

"Only workers are allowed in that building, and in case you've forgotten we lead top-secret lives. We can't have children running around the office or even entering the building. Our whole cover will be blown!"

I went to speak, but a frantic knock from the door stopped me. Jack hurried over to open it, and Sarah stood waiting when he did.


"Yeah, hi. I came to get the boys."

"I thought you were staying at the hospital?" Jack whispered.

A tear rolled down Sarah's cheek.

"There's no need. Michael's father passed away this morning."

"Oh gosh Sarah, I'm really sorry."

Sarah straightened her posture and headed over to the kitchen table.

"Mommy's back!"

Gabe and Harris ran over to her, tugging at her skirt for a hug.

"C'mon, grab your bags. We're going home."

"But I wanted to see the police station," Gabe whined.

Sarah gave Jack and I a suspicious look. I bent down in front of Gabe and Harris.

"Sorry boys, maybe some other time."

Jack and I said goodbye to the boys, wrapping them in hugs and helping them with their coats. Sarah gave us a soft smile and headed down the hall. Jack closed the door, relief washing over his face.


"You could say that."

"Well at least we know a little of what it's like now."

I stood in front of Jack who was leaning on the door.

"Maybe we should take the day off," we said in unison.

I smiled as Jack pulled me into his chest.

"I think," he said while peppering kisses on my jaw, "that we should head back to bed. Purely in the name of getting some more sleep."

"I see that grin Jack."

"What grin? I don't have anything else on my mind."

"Sure, nothing else."

"Well, maybe a few things..."

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