Chapter 1

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It's been a long day. And I can't count how many times I sighed. Urgh! I felt disappointed, tsk.

I heard my phone vibrated, so I open my phone revealing a message from Jisoo unnie!

Jisoo: Yah Roje-ssi, I have a favor.

Roje: Unnie! I missed youu. What's your favor?

Jisoo: I missed you too 😉 the case is, my cousin is a transferee there in your class. Could you look after him? He's an introvert. And they might judge him. His name is Jungkook btw.

Holy mother of... cheesecakes.

Jisoo: Yah! I'm counting on you Roje-ssi. Thankyou!

Roje: Wait! Are you fvcking serious unnie?! Is he really your cousin?!

Jisoo: Ne. Wae? Please Roje. And also, see you soon after a month. I'm quiet busy here in states.

Roje: Fine unnie.. See you!

I've been friends with Jisoo unnie since then. But she left for almost 2 years because she will be accompanying her cousin in the states for studying. And also, she's working there permanently. Korea is just her vacation place and of course for her to see me. Jisoo unnie is 8 years older than me.

And I'm not informed that she's Jungkook's cousin! I wonder where are his parents? Is he separated from them? That's why Jisoo unnie is responsible for guiding him?

I let out a sigh. Again. According to  Jisoo unnie, he's introvert. Yeah, he really is! That's why he already caught my attention in the first place when he introduces himself at the class. Because I know that there is something about this guy. That he's different and unique among all the guys I have known.

Sht. I just can't believe that he's related to Jisoo-yah. What a small world. *sighs*


I heard someone's knocking on the door. As soon as I open it...


"Oh Lalisa, what brings you here?" I asked and let her come inside my apartment. I'm living in this apartment for about 3 years. I'm separated with my family but they sometimes visit me here. Or vice versa.

"Let's drink. Gaja!" She excitedly said while taking her seat and preparing the glass of soju she had brought.

"Jinjja? At this hour?" I looked at the clocked and it's already 9:45 PM. But yea, not a big deal though coz she lives nearby my apartment.

"Yeah. It's been a long time since I drink a lot." She smiled.

I sat across her and I, on the other hand prepare some chips. I know that she's going to ask something to me that is why she's here.

"Honestly Lisa, why are you here? Do you really wanna grab some drinks with me? Or for some other reasons?" I asked while glaring at her.

"Omo! That's not it. Duh, come on." She avoided my eyes.

She's definitely lying hmp.

We already finished 3 bottles of soju. But I'm not drunk yet. I have high tolerance when it comes to drinking alcoholic beverages. But soju is not that effective to me.

Lisa looks a bit drunk. "Chaeyoung-ah." She mumbled. I just looked at her. "You do like him, don't you?"

I was shocked at her sudden question. "Yah.. Why all of a sudden you're asking me that---" She cut me off.

"Answer me honestly. Stop denying I already know you." She drink again at stares back at me waiting for my answer.

"If you continue asking that kind of question, I'mma expose you to Taehyung." I warned her. She never wins everytime we argue.  Because Taehyung is her weakness.

"Go on.. you can do that. I just wanna know the truth. I don't care if you say something to him. As long as your answers will satisfy my questions." Lisa?! Is that even you? Why is she being like this? She's drunk.

"Lisa you're drunk. Stop drinking gosh." I said changing her topic.

"You looked at him very different from the others. And I can also feel that you are concerned about him. I know that he's the one you're looking for a while ago during lunch. Why would you look for a bathroom if you already memorized all the places and spot in our school? See? HAHAHAHA I got you Chaeyoung-ah. Am I right? I also know that you didn't really went to the bathroom after we ate lunch. I saw you running fast and bought him some food. What a cutie. Come on Chae spill some tea." I just stared at her, speechless. She saw it all. She know it all. Maybe Lisa, do really know me.

Crap, I'm dead.

"Uh, I guess you know it all. Actually.." I started. And she's listening to me, looking so sleepy.

I continue anyways, "To be honest, yeah he caught my attention when he first entered our room. I just don't know what to feel because there is something that pushes me to like him. To be involved with him." I drink the whole bottle.

"I know it's odd. But, I like him being unique. He's unique. And bizarre that's why I'm being like this. Can't you see I'm not like this before. Until I met him.. It feels weird to fall in love that fast when you just met that person. But I felt different when I saw him. Trust me, Lalisa... He's so interesting, by the way he looks, by the way he acts." I explained while feeling a bit sleepy too.

"See? I'm such a great mind reader. My guess are all true. Support you girl!" She laughed.

"Do you know that Jisoo unnie is Jungkook's cousin?!" I said, still in amazed. "Jeongmal?! Ooh, I miss Jisoo unnie." She said. Lisa also know Jisoo unnie because of me. They saw each other and they become friends. We become friends. But I am much close to her since she's my friend for a long time.

"Chaeyoung-ah, would you mind if I sleep here?" Lisa lay down and close her eyes. "Yeah, sure."

"Goodnight Chaeyoung-ah. Hoping that he'll like you back." That's her last message before she drifted off to sleep.

Gosh this girl!

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