Chapter 4

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1:00 PM

After lunch I immediately went to the Arts Club with Jungkook. I'm not able to see Jennie and Lisa during lunch since we finished our practice late. And I can tell that I really enjoyed the practice. He's really good.

At first, my voice are shaking. But when he sang with me I started to feel more comfortable. His voice is so good. It makes me calm at some point. I don't know.

"Why did you join Arts Club? Didn't know we have the same interests HAHAHA." I started the conversation while heading upstairs to our room.

"It's just my hobby these days." He answered.

"Oh, okay."

"You? Do you love art?" He asked which I didn't expect.

"Yeah. When I was little I really love collecting things and I'll make it creative, something like that." He nods, listening.

We finally arrived to our specific room for Arts Club.

"Annyeong.." I greeted them, they just smiled and continue doing they're work. I guess they are waiting for us but decided to start then. I felt embarrassed so we hurried getting ourselves prepared.

We on the other hand, sat at the back part of the room. I saw the instructor walking near us.

"Hi, since you're late. I'm just gonna explain it to you the second time around." She smiled at the both of us.

"Ne." I replied.

"You do join Arts Club because that's your passion right? That's  what you like to do? Am I right?" She asked us.

"Yes, that's also my hobby." Jungkook answer.

"Ne, me too. I also want to improve my skills in arts that's why I join here." I added.

"Okay, so I want you guys to give me your first masterpiece. You can just make a draft like what they're doing. And pass it to me on Friday. Before the competition. Is that clear?" She looks so nice and calm.

"Crystal clear." I answered. And she laughed. And the most shocking part is when I heard Jungkook trying to control his laughter. So I looked at him, confuse.

His face become serious again. And avoided my eye contact. "What seems to be funny?" I asked innocently. Seriously, I don't know why they're laughing.

"Uh by the way, any kind of art? Like any product that is made by us?" I asked again, curious.

"Yes, you got it." She winked. "Alright, I'mma leave you both there. Start making some draft already. You two are late."

"Ne. Kamsahamnida!" We both thanked her. She's so approachable.

We get our materials for drafts. I nudge Jungkook slightly. "Yah. What are you planning to create?" I asked him. Feeling close hoho.

"Why would I tell it to you?" He raised an eyebrow. I pout. "Seriously? Duh."

I started making a draft of my artwork. Not paying attention to Jungkook's. The heck! Did he just reject my question? Hmp.

I heard him sighed. I didn't look at him. I can feel that he's peeking to what I'm doing. Good thing, my hands are fast that's why I already covered up my work before he gets the chance to see it. Huh!

I heard him again, sighing. I fought my urge not to laugh at his cute reaction.


5:08 PM

I'm now heading home. Jungkook and I parted ways already from the school. To be honest, I really enjoyed this day so far. I got to talk with him already. He's my freakin' partner for the competition. Isn't that exciting? Yet unbelievable.

I want to know him better. I want to be a close friend to him. I just feel like I want to. He's not that talkative to anyone but I know that there is something in him that I can change for the better? Nah. I don't even think that he's comfortable when he's with me.

Scratch that non-sense Rosé.

I texted Jisoo unnie.

Roje: Jisoo unnie.

Jisoo: Wae Roje-ssi?

Roje: Not busy huh? Nothing hehe

Jisoo: It's my break time. I know you have something to tell me.

Roje: Jungkook is my partner for the Glee Club competition.

Jisoo: Woah. Is that even a coincidence? Omo, goodluck for the both of you! Is there any prices for the winners?

Roje: I don't know either. But yeah, thanks unnie!

Jisoo: No problem. Just worried about him. He's not sociable so I'm worried that he might lose his confidence on doing things that he wants.

Roje: I won't let that happen unnie. No worries. I will look after him. You look like her mother anyways.

Jisoo: Thankyou Roje-ssi. Yes, she's like my son or little brother to me. That's why I cared for him that much.

Roje: Unnie I'm curious about something..

Jisoo: About what?

I wanna ask if where are his parents. Did they abandoned him that's why he end up being with Jisoo unnie? But change my mind. I don't want to ruin their privacy.

Roje: Is Jungkook a strong person? (Why not ask this instead right lol)

Jisoo: As I can see, nope. He's weak. He's a crybaby. He easily gets cold.

Roje: Are you serious? Everytime I look at him he looks so deep in thoughts and firm. He looks like he doesn't have any problem at all.

Jisoo: That's not the case. He may look strong in the outside. But promise me, he's weak. He easily break down. I saw him once, he's crying because of his parents.

I want to ask why but as I've said, I  don't want to ruin Jungkook's privacy.

Roje: Okay unnie, that's enough. I promise myself not to ask anything that might ruin his privacy hehe. Thanks for the time unnie mwa!

Jisoo: Oh so sweet Rosé. You're welcome *kiss emoji*

I'm starting to know the real Jungkook. I somewhat pity him. He maybe looks so strong but didn't know that he's weak. It makes me want to protect him even more.

I wanna comfort him. Because I cared for him really much that I don't even know why.

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