Chapter 6

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"Ooh, I am amazed by your artwork Roseanne. It's nice." Our teacher complimented my masterpiece.

It was a DIY bracelet with different designs and beads and also a painting of a little boy who's staring at the blue sky.


"Btw, who's this little boy?" She suddenly asked. "Uhm, he was actually the one in my mind. I don't know also co'z he just suddenly popped up in my imagination. So I decided to painted him." I answered. Her brows narrowed in an instant.

"Why? What's wrong with that?"

"Jungkook also has the same painting like you. But it's a girl this time." Shoot.

"What do you m-mean?"

"Nah. Maybe they only looks the same. Anyways! Keep up the good work Roseanne. Both of you has a potential in Arts and Crafts." She smiled and went back to what she's doing.

While heading back to our room, my mind cannot focus. What does she mean we have the same painting? I didn't even let him see my draft that day. And I wasn't able to see his also. Nah, it's weird.

I went back to my seat, glaring at Jungkook who's silently sleeping. I was just staring at him when he speak.

"What are you staring at?" He then slowly opened his eyes, locking with mine. His eyes...

I immediately turn my head to my right and acted as if nothing happen. As if I was not looking at him. I glance at him and saw him smiled. Gosh, no!

"By the way, what did you paint Jungkook-ssi?" I asked, changing the topic. "It's none of your business." What? Is he serious? Aigoo, really?!

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Pfftt. I just talked to Taehyung, since we're close since then.

"Yah Taehyung-ssi."

"Wae?" He asked. "Do you know why some people are so annoying?" I raised my voice a little glancing at the other side. Psh.

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Aniyo. Nevermind HAHAHA anyways where's Lisa?" My eyes wandered to find Lisa. But she's nowhere to be found even Jennie. Aishh, that two.


I remember when Jungkook and I had ramen last Monday. I can still recall his eyes, those eyes were sad that time. And I wonder why.

"Is there something wrong?" I caught his attention so he looked at me. Emotionless but his eyes says it all.

He just shake his head and continue eating. I want to know what's his problem so that I can comfort him. But I don't think it will work since he's not the type of guy who's open to other people. He seems so private and no one can enter his life and privacy.

"Hey Chaeyoung-ah." I startled when Lisa nudges me. I'm now waiting for a taxi. I'm lazy to walk today because I was super exhausted.

"Oh Lisa, why are you still here?"

"I was about to go home when I saw you so why don't we go home together!" My brows furrowed.

"Where on earth were you and Jennie earlier?" I asked.

"Oh earlier we had a practice for the dance competition for tomorrow. And Jennie? I think he's with Kai again." She responded. I just nod and she ask me again.

"Btw, are you ready for tomorrow?"

"Yes? HAHAH actually I'm not. I didn't expect this competition. All I thought is that we're just gonna be having our training." I gulped at the sudden imagination of Jungkook singing in front of me.

"Are you nervous because you'll be singing with him?" Lisa and her curiosity, aish.

"Yep. And I'm nervous because we might not win in the competition because of my low confidence." I lowered down my head and played the stone with my shoes.

"Wow Chaeyoung-ah! I know you're a good singer. You have a good voice. I trust you." She winked, reassuring me. Aigoo this girl.

"Thankyou Lisa-yah." I smiled and exactly the taxi arrived.

A text message popped up in my screen.

Jisoo: Roje-ssi, I heard from Jungkook that tomorrow is the competition.

Roje: Yeah unnie and I'm not that confident to sing aishh.

"Who's that?" Lisa asked. "It's Jisoo unnie." I simply answered. "Aigoo, I miss her already. When is she coming back?"

"She said, in a month. Maybe next month if she's not busy anymore."

Jisoo: Well, goodluck to the both of you! You can do it Roje-ssi. I know you love singing. Just express what you feel.

Roje: Thanks Jisoo unnie! Btw, does Jungkook has a Social Media Account?

Jisoo: Yess, it's Kook97_ on instagram. You can go dm him there.

Roje: Ooh, nice. Thanks for this unnie!

Jisoo: You're always welcome ;>

Didn't know Jungkook also has a Social media account. Coz he's not sociable so I thought even online he's too quiet as well.

But heck no.

As soon as I searched up his name on Instagram, I saw a lot of posts. He has 257 posts on his account. Gosh! I only have 179 posts on my instagram account. He's too active when it comes to this.

A post caught my attention, it was a painting of him together with his parents. Dang it, he's so good at painting. It's so detailed. As I scroll on his account, another post of him caught my eye. It was the scene of the... Han River.

So he loves going at the Han River?! Because going there is also my thing. Gawdness.

I followed his account and sent him a message.


Hey wassup Jungkook-ssi!


Yay! You remembered.

Is Rosie your real name?

That's only my nickname. 
You can also call me by that.

He got curious all of a sudden. Because my instagram name is rosie_clumsy.

Ready for tomorrow?

Uh, nope :))


It's none of your business ://


And that ended our conversation. Huh! I can still remember the day when he also said the exact words to me.

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