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Taehyun felt helpless because he can't do anything. He never wanted to make Beomgyu feel sad and burdened. Despite hopelessness, he still wanted to try his last option that can't harm Beomgyu.

He immediately went to Mr. Choi to attempt to possess him. Mr. Choi is done talking to his acquaintance, and Taehyun entered his body, concentrating to take over his mind. Taehyun is breathing sharply when he felt dizzy from exerting too much effort.

In the end, he still can't control him, and he felt weak. He decided to separate from him again before he might pass out. He only felt like this when he attempted last time to possess Soobin's father, Kai's father, and Beomgyu's father. He has no idea on why can't he use them. He gritted his teeth, his face is contorted in anger because of too much frustration. 

'What's the use of being a soul, if I can't even use those body of evil people to save the others?' he thought.

He just left to meet Yeonjun and Soobin, before he gets more weak, helpless, and angry to himself.


"You are not going to say anything? You are digging your own grave too soon!" the next day, after burning some of his skin using the cigarette puff, Mr. Choi is forcing his son to sit on an iron chair.

It is a torture chair that consists of small sharp spikes that lined the back, seat, armrests, and leg rests. 

This time, Beomgyu can't stop himself from screaming in pain every time that the spikes are piercing his skin. The chair almost turned red because of his blood. His voice sounds hoarse as time goes by. He badly wanted to faint, but too much pain prevents him from fainting, and he feels sick.

His father forced him to eat leftover foods even if he doesn't have an appetite. He is feeling weaker as he lost a lot of blood, and his body is swelling from too many wounds. He didn't know if his body can still hold on.

"Fine, I will make you tell me about everything using this" Mr. Choi is holding an injection that contains a thick gray liquid inside, a truth serum used for interrogations.

Beomgyu might train himself for enduring physical pain, but he knew that he is unable to control his mind once the truth serum is inside of him. He banged his head hard on the floor, thinking that making himself pass out in an instant can prevent him from spilling out the truth.

He ignored the lingering pain on his head, and he tried to bang his head once again, but his father holds him to stop him from making any move. Beomgyu struggles to free himself from his father's grip.

They are interrupted by a loud knock on the door. Mr. Choi became annoyed by whoever interrupted him. He opened the door, and he is about to scold his subordinate when he noticed the facial expression of the man.

"Sir! The police wanted to get into the villa, and they are looking for you!" fear is written on the man's face when he saw how Mr. Choi became furious.

He looked at his son with full of hatred on his face before leaving the torture room. Beomgyu felt hopeful that he would be free someday from his abusive father, and Taehyun will be able to get the justice that he deserves.

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